Chapter 40.) Woes of a Sin

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A/N: So uh... I haven't updated in a hot while. Yeah, I wasn't planning on updating today, like, at all. Because I know how I want this story to finish, I'm just... struggling to get there. I swear I'm getting there, though! In the meantime, here's some filler angst I wrote in 2 hours that may or may not take advantage of the fact that c!BBH has cussed before his YT fame days. 

Also R.I.P Technoblade. Hope he's drop-kicking God for what happened in 2020 <3

TW/CW's: Mentions of blood, past torture and death (the two are unrelated.)


BadBoyHalo had no real perception of time, but he could confidently say there were some aspects of himself he'd been wanting to change for years. There were no particular reasons as to why his views about his own body changed like the seasons. Sure, his addled mind swam in his insecurities when left to his own thoughts, but it wasn't like he suffered from dysmorphia or anything of the sort. Not to his knowledge, at least.

Really, there was nothing wrong with his thinking. Some days he liked being tall and lithe, others he would've preferred if his muscles were defined and wildly emphasized like a bodybuilder's, then there were the days where the height difference between him and his own son made him feel freakish, even though the concept of average heights was never and never will be adopted into demon society.

Still, he had never truly wanted to change anything about his body until he pushed down the sadistic desires wired into his very being and allowed his chest to ache for a woman he hadn't known for long.


Every person has their obsession, and Hannah was one of the many whose heart was wrapped in flora, more specifically roses. He cannot recall how she summoned him, nor could he remember what sort of deal he struck with her, but she was one of his longer missions – a mission that required him to spend genuine time with her, whether he liked it or not.

It was only a few months, months that went by in a blur, and yet one of the few memories of them that stuck to him was her attempt at pushing for something more than a strictly business relationship. He had been tending to her garden, caressing the buds of a rose yet to bloom, only to nearly tear through the rosebush in a panic when a hand was dropped onto his shoulder.

He had panicked, his wings flaring out protectively around himself and shoving Hannah back into the dirt, a dangerous growl ripping through his vocal cords. Only when he turned around to gaze upon her startled form did he let up, dropping the snarl that contorted his face and offering her a hand. He had apologized as the brunette dusted herself off.

"It's fine, Darryl. Really. I shouldn't have scared you like that."

"You didn't scare me, mortal. I- I was only startled."

The soft look Hannah gave him spoke volumes. She didn't believe him, but before he could threaten her into dropping her pitiful expression, she craned her head down to gaze at a plastic container on the floor. He watched worry flash in her eyes as she picked up the container and inspected the items inside.

"What's that?"

"Gluten-free muffins, specifically chocolate chip. You're not allergic to chocolate, are you?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, I bought them for us. Y'know... as thank you, for helping me and stuff."

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