Chapter 16.) Eyes of Ender

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Much to Skeppy's disappointment, Bad had to leave around midnight and that meant Skeppy's hand was absent of the demon's touch. His hand didn't feel cold or lonely without Bad, but he felt... irritated? Annoyed? He didn't know why he was feeling upset over the demon's absence, but he managed to sleep it off a few hours later. 

The next day rolled around and Skeppy was feeling a lot better. The outdoors were still flooded and the skies didn't clear up entirely, but the atmosphere was perfect and he knew something good was coming his way. The warmth in his chest promised him a good day. 

Bouncing on his heels, he skipped over to his computer and began playing Minecraft with a few of his friends. While in a call with Puffy, he noticed how little time had passed since he logged on and sighed. 

"You okay, Skeppy?" Puffy asked, her avatar running circles around him while planting random flowers on the ground. 

"Yeah, I just miss Bad."

"Ah, right, I forgot he lives rent-free in your mind."

"I call bullshit!"


Skeppy felt his breath hitch in his throat. He knew Bad wasn't there, but hearing Puffy scold him for his usage of swear words made him feel as if the demon was right there on the opposite side of the screen. He groaned in annoyance and covered his face with his hands. 

He literally just saw Bad last night, what was his problem?

"I don't even know why I miss him so much. I just saw him yesterday," Skeppy grumbled and removed his hands from his face to move his avatar. 

"Aww, Skeppy's on his clingy arc!"

"Am not!"

"So much denial in just two words. That's impressive, Skep," teased Puffy. 

"I- Okay, I guess I am being a little clingy... how do I stop it?"

"Stop... what?"

Skeppy threw his head back into his char and exasperated, "how do I stop feeling clingy? I don't wanna wake up every day feeling mildly annoyed because he isn't here. What am I supposed to do?"

Puffy didn't know what to say to calm him down, so she went with a different approach. 

"You get upset when he isn't there after you wake up?"

"Not- no, no. I wouldn't say upset, but I'd feel happier with him around in the morning. We only hang out at night and I kinda wanna... I wanna see him during the day."

"You can't FaceTime or call on Discord?" Puffy was confused, but Skeppy continued to vent his frustration. 

"Discord calls and FaceTime isn't enough, Puffy. I don't want to hear his voice through a screen, I want him here. With me."

"Do you like him?"

"... Of course I do? He's literally my best friend, why wouldn't I?"

"No," Puffy sighed into her mic. "I'm asking if you like him romantically."


"You answered a little too fast."

"What do you mean I answered too fast?! I'm just speaking the truth!"

"Your truths may not be another person's truth. It's all about perspective, and it kinda sounds like you have a crush on your best friend," Puffy whistled in response. Skeppy scoffed in response.

"And from my perspective, you're just reading this wrong. I do not have feelings for my best friend. That'd be weird!"

"There's nothing weird about—!"

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