Chapter 30.) Thanksgiving Pt. 1

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A/N: This chapter is a tad shorter than what I usually write, but I was busy cleaning and overdosing on tryptophan (turkey sleepy chemical LOL). This will have a part two since I'm running a lil behind-


"Is the filling done?"

"The entire pie is done, Geppy. Couldn't we have bought one from the store?"

"No. What about the stuffing?"

"You didn't want any?"

"The turkey?!"

"It's right there on the table! Dead. And cooked."

Skeppy didn't spare the table a glance, worried if his eyes landed on any of the dishes he and Bad prepared, he'd find something trivial to freak out over. He wasn't the type to throw a fit over something like a family gathering, but since he was introducing his second family to his own flesh and blood, he wanted everything to be perfect—the food, the lighting, the atmosphere, everything.

Bad, having noticed Skeppy's neglectful stare, sighed and placed a hand on Skeppy's shoulder.

"Don't worry so much," he hummed. Getting on his tippy-toes, he brushed Skeppy's fringe from his face and kissed his forehead. "We're almost done."

It was nice how BadBoyHalo tried to calm him down. However, emphasis on the word 'tried' because Skeppy's stress didn't immediately dissipate at his words.

"Almost done isn't completely done, Bad. They're going to be here in a few hours and I haven't fixed that stupid lightbulb in the bathroom," Skeppy pointed out with a frown.

"The middle light, right?" Sapnap asked, his head popping up from behind the couch. "Yeah, dad and I replaced it while you were angrily peeling the potatoes. Oh, and we cleaned the bathroom, too!"

It was not wise to trust whatever Sapnap had to say, but blinded by desperation and too tired to question the Fire Spitter about their definition of 'clean,' he pressed, "And the laundry?"

"I've been doing that," Bad interrupted with a proud puff of his chest. "I didn't want to rummage through your drawers to find what goes where, so I've folded and placed everything on your bed. You can tend to that right now while I finish with the dishes," he suggested, smiling cheekily as Skeppy's eyes watered. "Woah- Skeppy?"

Upon hearing his name slip from the demon's tongue, Skeppy rubbed his wrists against the corners of his eyes, effectively clearing whatever beads of tears had the audacity to form. His lips, curled and shaking like a brittle leaf in the wind, found their way to Bad's cheek.

Bad, albeit visibly confused, made no effort to hide his giggles as Skeppy's lips traveled to his jawline, the side of his head, his forehead, and eventually his lips. His arms wrapped around the younger's waist, keeping him locked in a hug as Skeppy continued to pepper his appreciation all over the demon's face.

Only when Sapnap's fake gagging became too loud to be a background noise did Skeppy cease his attack on Bad's flushed skin.

"Seriously? Right in front of me?" Sapnap queried in a deadpan.

"Love you too, kid," Skeppy chuckled. A broad smile tugged at his lips when Sapnap rolled his eyes and ducked behind the couch. Probably went back to watching TV, he mused internally.

As Bad had suggested, Skeppy took some time away from the kitchen and buried himself in the task that was presented to him, occasionally peaking his head out from around the corner to watch as Bad danced between doing the dishes and cleaning the counter. Sapnap helped wherever he could, only going back to the couch when Bad had nothing else for him to do.

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