Chapter 10.) Insecurity Runs in the Family

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A/N: Oh? The tenth chapter is dedicated to some Drem Tem? Lame... anyway-

I also typed this at 4 AM so please, bear with its terribleness. 

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"You're getting scratches all over my skull!"

"You can buy another, Snapmap!"

"I will snapmap your neck if you call me that one more time."

Sapnap lunged forward to take the pristine skull from his best friend, but the masked demon jumped away and wheezed at Sapnap's failed attempt to steal back his possessions.

"Dream, you whore! Your claws are ruining it!"

"Ooh~ I'm telling your dad you said that!"

"And I'm telling your dad you're bullying me!" Sapnap retorted and tackled the other demon to the ground.

Dream let out a grunt upon hitting the ground, but not wanting to scratch the ornament further, he secured the skull to his chest and waited for Sapnap to rip it from his grasp. As expected, Sapnap snatched the skull from the masked demon and placed it on his nightstand.

"You guys are such idiots," a third voice mumbled from on top of Sapnap's bed.

Sapnap turned his head to glare at the third demon.

The demon on his bed was dressed in blue, star-speckled pajamas. A pair of goggles hid his blue-and-brown eyes—eyes that complemented his pale skin. His short, brown hair was swept neatly to the side. Unlike the stereotypical demons, he lacked horns and tail, but his appearance flickered in and out almost constantly, like a glitch in the system.

"You're an idiot, too," Sapnap snickered and made his way over to the bed.

"How so?" The brunet asked and crossed his arms over his chest, as if confident the Fire Spitter wouldn't be able to elaborate.

"You're best friends with us. That makes you an idiot times two, George. A double idiot," Dream teased. He was dressed in an oversized hoodie that reached down to his midthigh, a pair of white shorts, and mismatched socks. Like Sapnap, Dream's lack of physical maturity meant he didn't have any horns, but he did possess a green-and-white tail with a spade at the end.

A round mask covered the entirety of his face, and while his hood had been flipped up to hide his pointed ears, his friends could still make out the shaggy, dirty blonde hair beneath the fabric.

Ever since they became friends, Sapnap had made it his duty to constantly remind George how he's never actually seen Dream's face. For some reason, he felt special knowing he was the only person Dream felt comfortable sharing his appearance with.

"That literally makes no sense," George grumbled and tossed a pillow in Dream's direction.

The Dream Eater caught the mass of cotton and flung it back at George, unintentionally knocking the older demon backward while simultaneously removing his goggles.

"Dream, you idiot!" George screeched and teleported behind the masked demon. With a new pillow in hand, he tackled Dream back onto the ground and began hitting him repeatedly with the pillow.

"Cheater, you glitched!" Dream cried while shielding his face from George's wrath.

"All's fair in love and war," Sapnap laughed and took a seat on his bed. Amused, he watched as Dream shapeshifted into a green-feathered parrot and flew out from under George.

"Who's the cheater now, Dweam?" George sneered and tried to throw the pillow at his shapeshifting friend.

With ease, Dream maneuvered around the pillow and perched himself on Sapnap's shoulder. "Sapnap, my beloved! Tell him to stop!" He cried and wrapped his wings around the Fire Spitter's head.

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