Chapter 31.) Thanksgiving Pt. 2

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Despite Skeppy's attempts to perfect every aspect of their dinner, the atmosphere felt off.

His sister Sam (Sapnap and BadBoyHalo wouldn't stop giggling about her nickname) was chatting and laughing with Bad, occasionally asking questions about Sapnap, in which the demon would lie smoothly through his teeth about Sapnap's origins, leading Skeppy to believe Sapnap wasn't aware of their non-existent blood ties.

His parents joined in the conversation as well, though they seemed more focused on Sapnap than anything else. Skeppy couldn't blame them, though; Sapnap was another breed both figuratively and literally, though it needn't be said his parents were unaware of Sapnap's fire-breathing nature.

It looked to be going well, but as mentioned above, something felt off with the way his parents laughed and questioned Sapnap. Chills went up his spine whenever his sister broke her gaze away from Bad to peer at him, only to return to talking to Bad as if she wasn't searching his face for any secrets prior.

When did the room get so cold?

With a slight shiver, Skeppy strained his focus to tune back into the conversations around him.

Sapnap was fibbing and stringing together made-up stories of his school experience, which Skeppy knew was fake since Bad had never mentioned any school systems in Hell. His parents, on the other hand, ate up the lies and told trivial stories of when Skeppy and Samira were in school.

Bad and Sam weren't nearly as invested in the exaggerated retellings of their elementary experiences (something Skeppy was thankful for since he'd rather not have Bad hear the part where Skeppy cried for three hours straight on his first day of preschool... oh wait, Sapnap knows now... shi-). They were pulled into their own conversation about random animal facts, something that was unusual on Sam's end but completely normal for the demon.

Eventually, Skeppy joined in on their conversation, sharing whatever facts he could share while simultaneously soaking in whatever Bad had to say. The tiny voices in his head called him out for being a simp, and his response was to internally argue t wasn't his fault Bad's high-pitched voice grappled his attention and kept it locked onto him for as long as he spoke.

Did Skeppy ever mention how much he loved hearing Bad talk?

"Stop simping at the dinner table."

Skeppy straightened his back, startled by the sound of his mother's voice cutting the silence he had created for himself. He glared at her as she pulled away with a giggle. "What?"

His mother shot Bad a glance before leaning back in to whisper: "You have this love-struck look on your face. Makes you look dumb. You sure you're not together?"

Skeppy's face turned beet red. "We are not!"

Everyone at the table turned to look at Skeppy. If he wasn't panicking before, he was now; but Bad, with an expression that screamed unadulterated adoration, tipped his head to the side and smiled innocently, hazel-colored fringe raking across his forehead.

"Who's not what?" He asked, tidbits of concern worming their way into his question.

"Nothing, Bad. Don't worry 'bout it," Skeppy grumbled and looked away. An awful move, really, since he felt Bad's gaze scan him over in a motherly fashion not even a few seconds later.

"Hey dad," Sapnap piped with a grin. "Can we have the desserts?"

"Pumpkin chiffon?" Bad clarified, eyes no longer glued to Skeppy but occasionally flicking back towards him. Damn Bad and his maternal nature. "Or the blueberry pie?"

"You mean the abomination you and Skeepee made? That blueberry muffin-pie monster that could probably kill us if we ate it? I want that one."

Samira and his father's choked laughter were drowned out by Bad's jump to defense.

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