Chapter 36.) Madame Halo

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A/N: Just another overprotective Skeppy moment, nothing to see here-


Skeppy never considered himself to be a fan of the great outdoors. He had taken BadBoyHalo to the park once, but that wasn't enough to classify him as an outdoorsy type of person. He enjoyed staying indoors with air conditioning, walls shielding him from bad weather, and the comfort of having his phone on him even if he didn't use it. Being confined in his own home was far better than hiking and losing sight of the trail, or being attacked by a wild animal, or– he was starting to sound like Bad.

Skeppy wasn't too much of an overthinker, and while he wasn't saying Bad's tendencies to overanalyze everything and come up with every possible negative outcome was rubbing off on him, he was starting to see why Bad disagreed with anything new.

Still, sitting in the middle of a forest with red-and-blue flowers cushioning where he sat wasn't his sort of thing, but that didn't mean he disliked it. He enjoyed the golden rays that peaked through the looming canopy, and he especially adored how Sapnap was collecting beetles from a nearby tree. It reminded him of when his younger self collected ants and put them in empty bubble solution containers.

The longest living ant was named Anthony, and that was a time long before Skeppy learned ants needed oxygen, too.

To his right, BadBoyHalo cuddled into his side, his face buried in his t-shirt and fingers digging into the fabric. Lazily, his tail swayed to and fro, flower petals adorning the bicolored tuft. It was a sight so simple yet its beauty was far beyond matchless, and Skeppy instinctively craned his neck to return the snuggle.

"Ow, this little shit just bit me!" Sapnap shrieked, wiping his hands on his shorts while the perpetrator crawled back into its hiding spot.

"Language," Bad mumbled, his scolding lacking any real heat. Skeppy couldn't help but giggle as Sapnap – stifling a tiny grin – shot them both glares and turned his attention to the beetle's hideaway.

Silence overlooked their peaceful figures, but as tiny giggles buzzed in Skeppy's head and prompted him to straighten out his neck, he noticed the giggles belonged to none other than Bad's sleepy figure.

"What're you laughing about?" Skeppy asked with a smirk as he lifted Bad's chin. The demon remained limp and his lips sealed, yet he received another reply:

"This isn't permanent, right?"

Unmoving lips aside, Skeppy felt his stomach drop, no longer being airlifted by the butterflies Bad gave to him.

"What do you mean?" Skeppy asked, his grip on the demon tightening just a smidge. It sounded like Bad was questioning their relationship, but it couldn't have been that. There was no reason for Bad to question their relationship... unless Skeppy did something wrong. He didn't do anything wrong, did he?

"Sapnap, don't– both of you, shh!"

Confused, Skeppy shot a glance in Sapnap's direction. Sapnap looked back at him with a sheepish smile, an expression that didn't seem all too suspicious until he realized Sapnap had gray eyes. The eyes that peered back at him were a brilliant green.

"Looks like you're waking up," Sapnap's lookalike chuckled and pocketed his hands. "Good luck. You're gonna need it."

Darkness consumed his vision but for a split second, Skeppy could've sworn he saw a green, paper-thin smile flash through the void. His bedroom ceiling came into view, along with three pairs of eyes peering down at him.

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