Chapter 26.) Unprofessional

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A/N: b u c k l e  u p 


"Everyone's saying we should kiss. What do you think?"

It was never Skeppy's intention to squeeze weekly recordings into their routine, but ever since BadBoyHalo made the abominable mistake of agreeing to one video, Skeppy had started featuring the demon in many of his recordings. Over time, he noticed his view count was skyrocketing and he was gaining subscribers faster than usual. It was clear his fans enjoyed his and Bad's on-screen banter, so when he proposed they take their interactions live, he was more than ecstatic when Bad agreed.

"Uh, no. That's not happening."

Unfortunately for him, a good portion of his subscribers were shippers, and the second Bad's pretty face came into view, the 'Skephalo' jokes poured in faster than he could register them. If that wasn't bad enough, he had to explain to the clueless demon what 'shipping' was. That was an unholy conversation that left Bad squawking in sheer disbelief.

"Spotlight uh, moonlight uh... come on."


Funny enough, that unholy conversation sparked interest within Bad. He wanted to delve further into fictional relationships, completely ignoring how random strangers on the internet found entertainment in their non-existent relationship, and Skeppy had made the mistake of feeding the demon's curiosity. They were making plenty of mistakes that day, weren't they?

"Just a little kiss? Just- just a little kiss?"

"No kiss!"

Skeppy didn't know if he enjoyed pursuing conversations destined to die at the metaphorical hands of his own tongue, but there was something about feeding the shippers that drove his heart up the wall. He wouldn't be lying if he said he did it to fish cute responses from his friend; however, he wouldn't be lying if he also claimed he was using his fans' abnormal obsession with them as an opportunity to flirt with Bad to his heart's content.

It was weird how he felt safer flirting on-screen than when they were alone. At least then he could disguise the copious amounts of flirting as something crafted for the sake of entertainment. Bad was none the wiser.

"Mwuah, just like that."


One person in the chat suggested they kiss. It was a joke obviously, and they treated it as such, but the longer he pressed and begged, the harder it became to hide the eagerness in his waggish pleas. As far as he could tell with Bad hiding the lower half of his face behind a checkered bandana (a new accessory to his daily attire), the other wasn't genuinely bothered by his playful advances. How thankful he was for that. After all, he didn't know what he'd do if he ever made Bad uncomfortable.

"At the same time. Okay, ready? One... two... are you gonna do it?"

Bad squinted at the mortal. "No, I'm not gonna do it."

The joke should have ended there; it shouldn't have been pursued further, and yet the high Skeppy got from seeing Bad's flustered state pushed him forward.

"I've never- I've never kissed a girl before."

"Well, I'm not a girl, so there you go."

"Yeah, but it counts if I'm still attracted to you, right?" Skeppy pouted and tipped his head to the side, reveling in the chaos that unfolded in his chat. If embarrassment had a flavor, Bad would taste like white chocolate. That sounded weird, never mind.

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