Chapter 24.) Homewrecker

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Warning: Very, very, VERY brief mention of drugs/weed. 

A/N: Sorry in advance to all my Karlnapity shippers... 

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No matter how many times Skeppy told himself Bad was a free man, his irritation ceased to egress around the corner. Leaning against a wall, he watched through his window as his best friend chatted happily with a stranger on the front porch—his front porch. The sheer disrespect he felt as the stranger strung nervous giggles from the demon was pure agony.

Okay, it wasn't agonizing, but his heart squeezed uncomfortably at the sight. A part of him was tempted to storm out there and demand what the stranger wanted from Bad, but his voice of reason argued against this, claiming there would be consequences for acting solely off jealousy. He hated it. He didn't hate being in love with his best friend, but he hated the sheer possessiveness that came with falling for Bad.

Just as he was about to turn away, the stranger leaned in and mouthed something to Bad, who immediately glanced away with red cheeks.

"Fuck no." The words leave his parted lips in a single breath. He could handle some weirdo chatting up a storm with Bad, but eliciting an actual blush from the demon was the final straw. Ignoring his feeble voice of reason, he walked over to the door and swung it open.

The noise startled Bad, but before he could turn around to greet his friend, the stranger cackled and pulled the demon into a hug. Skeppy bit back a growl as Bad squirmed uncomfortably in the other's grasp.

"Noveschosch, your boyfriend is scary!"

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Language!" Bad gasped, putting little to no effort into wriggling free. Skeppy could tell Bad wasn't trying, and that only frustrated him further.

"Straight to the point, huh?" The stranger chuckled and ruffled the demon's hair. Bad let out an annoyed huff. "I'm not here to cause trouble, Ahmed. I'm just here to check on Darry here, make sure he's staying on task—which he's clearly not."

Since Bad was a naturally pale individual (disguise-wise), Skeppy doubted the former could get any paler. He was proven wrong when his friend turned deathly white. Bad opened his mouth to speak, but broken speech and stammers were the only things to leave his parted lips.

"Chill the fuck out, dude," the stranger teased.

"Language," Skeppy mumbled for his best friend. The demon flashed him a thankful smile.

"I'm not going to use my Lord's name in vain, but holy shit you and your boyfriend are in sync."

"He isn't my boyfriend, Quackity," Bad corrected with a small frown. As much as it stung to hear that aloud, Skeppy nodded in agreement.

"Oh, so you're still single?" The stranger, presumably named Quackity, queried whilst wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"You are literally married to Schlatt. Stop that."

Skeppy's eyes fell to Quackity's hands and sighed in relief. Numerous bands adorned the other's fingers, but amongst the array of silvers and golds, the most attention-grabbing ring was the diamond wedding band on his ring finger.

"True, true," Quackity hummed and tucked his hands into his pockets. "I assume your non-boyfriend knows?"

Bad let out a defeated sigh, but nodded nonetheless.

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