Chapter 33.) Clips of Christmas Chaos

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A/N: I have nothing to say for myself. Anyway-



Ever since Quackity had shown up on his front porch, interactions between the angel and demon had increased, neither of them bothering to try and hide from Skeppy as they talked; and although a few flirty comments were thrown around – mostly from Quackity's end – Bad had always come back running to him, peppering his face with kisses and prattling on about a random topic before disappearing to prepare dinner for them. If it weren't for the way green eyes sparkled with an unfiltered adoration and affection that not even Quackity received, Skeppy might've joked about losing his boyfriend to his supposed rival.

However, as he watched his beloved demon fawn over a yipping mass of white, Skeppy couldn't help but feel as if he was getting replaced.

It was Christmas Day, and while he wanted to kick back and have a chill day with his newfound demonic family, a whimpering furball had thrown a wrench in his plans.

He knew better than to get frustrated over a stray, especially when the poor thing needed help, and yet with every flicker of red-and-green lights illuminating Bad's hunched-over frame, he found his need for attention claw to the surface.

"It isn't even that cute," he deadpanned, not feeling a sliver of shame when Bad gasped and jerked his head upright to scold him.

"Don't be mean!"

"I'm being honest. It looks like a rat."

"Rats are cute!"

Skeppy rolled his eyes and muttered, "I'm cuter."

Bright, friendly smiles were flashed in every direction. Bad's smiles radiated generic cinnamon roll energy, and while they weren't specifically reserved for a single soul – from friends to people he'd rather avoid starting conversations with – that wasn't to imply he smiled the same way at everyone.

Skeppy noticed the way Bad's smile would soften whenever Sapnap was brought up, a faint splash of guilt melting into a pool of pure adoration and protectiveness for the pyromaniac. With him, the guilt was non-existent and all that remained was the desire to hold and treasure.

There was another.

Whenever Bad thought he wasn't looking, his eyelids dropped halfway over twinkling eyes, lips pulled in a shy yet absolutely smitten smile. It was a smile Skeppy wished he knew about sooner, and for the sake of catching those cute expressions, he had become far more attentive when in his presence. They weren't rare per se, but apparently Bad didn't want his feelings to ooze through his face whenever Skeppy did something 'cute.' Which was funny since he wore that look even when Skeppy was crying over Minecraft sand.

The smile he tried to hide so often had returned, and tilting his head down in an attempt to mask his face, the demon murmured, "Yeah, you are."

"Look at me when you flirt, coward."

Obeying, Bad lifted his head and smirked through the flecks of hesitance in his eyes. "Flirting is a synonym for teasing, and I, mister Geppy, and not teasing you. I am being honest," he clarified before looking back down at the dog. 

Skeppy didn't comment on how quickly Bad retreated into his shell. Flirting with each other as a joke was normal, but flirting with truth and genuine feelings packed into every spine-tingling comment was another ballpark, one that Bad was too hesitant to navigate without reassurance -- reassurance Skeppy was more than patient enough to provide. 

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