Chapter 5.) What's So Special about CatBoyHalo?

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"You jerk! Where have you been?!"

"Calm down, Geppy-"

"Don't tell me to calm down! I am calm!" Skeppy wouldn't describe his current mood as livid, but he was certainly upset as to why the demon had disappeared for two days without warning and returned as if nothing had happened. "But you- you need to tell me where the Hell you've been—no pun intended."

"I was at home! Saturday and Sunday are my days off. Sheesh, did you miss me that much?"


"Oh... I'm sorry." The demon visibly winced before apologizing, an action that made Skeppy shake his head with a sigh. Bad had no reason to apologize. In reality, Skeppy shouldn't have exploded on the soft-hearted demon like that; it just wasn't fair to Bad.

"No, I'm sorry, Bad. When you didn't show up, I got scared you were fired and something was gonna wipe my memories in my sleep, or something like that," Skeppy admitted and crossed his arms over his chest. While he did miss the demon to a degree, his outburst was fueled by fear and not his newfound attachment to the demon.

"Is... is that why you have bags?" Bad asked cautiously.

"They're not Chanel, but yeah. I got bags."

BadBoyHalo's eyes widened. "Sgeppy!"

"What? Humans can survive almost a week without sleep," Skeppy tried to defend himself, but the entity, who refused to crawl out from under the YouTuber's bed, was not having any of it.

"I don't care, go to bed!"

"You can't make me!"

"Wanna bet?"

Intrigued by the sudden splash of boldness to the demon's speech, Skeppy raised an eyebrow. "And what are you going to do, huh?" he taunted with a grin.

"Hit you upside the head with a pan."

"And risk giving me head trauma?"

Bad opened his mouth to retort but clamped his jaw shut shortly afterward. His gaze flitted to the side and locked onto a random object in the room. He stared briefly before returning his attention to the human in front of him.

"Are you busy tonight? Or rather, right now?" Bad asked after a moment of silence.

"You trynna take me out?"

"Don't be silly. I'm here to haunt you, not assassinate you."

"That's not-"

"You need sleep, but you're being a butt and not going to sleep, so here's my idea," Bad started with a sigh, having not noticed he interrupted Skeppy's attempt to redirect the joke that flew over the demon's head. "Why don't we watch a movie?"

"How is that supposed to help?" Skeppy asked with an amused look on his face.

"Don't humans fall asleep to movies halfway in?"

"If the movie is boring or the person is tired, then yeah."

"Then let's do it."

"Bold of you to assume I'm going to sit through a boring movie, and even bolder of you to assume I'm tired," Skeppy huffed in response. As enticing as sleep sounded, he couldn't bring himself to close his eyes for longer than a few minutes. He could pretend to be asleep so Bad would stop pestering him, but he found the demon fretting over his health entertaining. It was almost cute. Almost.

"You haven't slept in how long?"

"Two days, but that's nothing-"

"Two days of no sleep, sir," Bad interrupted once again, "I'm pretty sure you're tired. If you don't like the movie suggestion, please do feel free to share any brighter ideas."

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