Chapter 2.) And His "Name" Was BadBoyHalo

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*insert off-key kazoo* 

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"Don't do the crime if you can't pay the time," Skeppy repeated under his breath, remembering his father's words whenever he stayed up late and went to school looking deceased. He hated hearing those words repeated over and over again. It was on record, forever embedded into his brain and he hated it with every inch of his body. "Ugh, this crime wasn't even my fault, though."

A part of him was bitter to have met the demon. If not for him, Skeppy might have gotten a full eight hours of sleep, but he knew he couldn't place all the blame on his otherworldly stalker. It was his fault for writing that stupid letter.

On the other hand, Skeppy was... excited? Exuberant? Not a single word in the English dictionary could describe what he felt at that precise moment. Not only had he discovered the source of his nighttime problems (as weird as that sounds), but he managed to snag a new friend.

Could he label the demon as a friend? Sure, he was being reckless and stupid for not calling an exorcist in the morning, but he didn't think he could betray the softie-of-a-demon that was assigned to him of all people. Speaking of which, he'd need to ask the demon a bunch of questions regarding Hell and demons overall... once the demon got comfortable enough with him, of course!

Skeppy didn't think it'd take very long for the demon to open up to him, though. It seemed this peculiar creature trusted too easily, but he wasn't complaining. Either way, he saw having a demon for a potential friend as pog and nobody could convince him otherwise.

"Dude, are you listening to me?" Vurb's voice came through his phone. The transition from his thoughts to reality was jarring, but Skeppy managed to snap out of it and reply to his friend.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just tired," he admitted with a small yawn.

"Did you even sleep last night? What'd you do, take my advice?"

"Yes... and no." Did Skeppy feel bad for lying to one of his closest friends? A little, but he didn't want to sound crazy by snitching to Vurb about his discoveries. Besides, even if he wanted to sound like a maniac on the off-chance Vurb might believe him, there was an uncomfortably large chance Vurb would tease him for holding hands with a male demon. "Was binging YouTube videos and Reddit posts last night."

"Ew, Reddit."

"It's way better than Twitter, that's for sure."

"Not to hate on Twitter, but it's filled with so many snowflakes it's hard to be a content creator and NOT get dunked into some bullshit drama," Vurb went on to say with a sigh. Skeppy agreed with a nod of his head, seeming to have forgotten Vurb could not see his reaction through the phone.

"Anyway, what're you doing right now?"

"On my way home from the store. I figured I'd restock the pantry with snacks and other things I don't need to cook."

"You're not talking to me while driving, are you?"

Skeppy chuckled. "Nope! I decided to walk to keep my brain awake. I figured it was safer than risk falling asleep at the wheel."

"Woah, Skeppy being semi-responsible? Did I die and wake up in another plane of reality?" Vurb laughed in response.

"I'm hella responsible, asshole."

"As responsible as my left ass cheek."

Skeppy didn't find his quip funny, but he ended up laughing anyway. Perhaps his sense of humor had shriveled up and died alongside his will to live, or maybe he was so sleep-deprived anything remotely humorous could get a reaction out of him. His thoughts briefly wandered over to the demon, and he could practically hear the scolding Vurb would receive if he spoke like that in front of the demon.

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