Pranked Phoenix x The new polits and Maverick (non romantic)

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" Yo shut up!" Payback laughes.

"No I'm not kidding he actually did!" Rooster exclaims.

"Wow thats crazy." He replys.

" So who's next?" Hangman says smirking. It was about a week before the mission and the new recruits were all at Hangman's house for a little get together and they were playing truth or dare.

"You Hangman." Rooster says with some sass.

" Truth." He says back.

" Is it true that you still have a crush on Hannah Montana?" Says  Rooster smirking.

" I um no." He says blushing. Its quite obvious he's does still feel attracted to the young diva because the crew has never seen him blush before.

Bob lets out a laugh " No way!"

" Yes way, he told me at the Hard Deck one night!" Coyote chimes in.

" You know who's been quite quiet?" Hangman asks not really sounding like a question tho.

"Save it Bagman my turn!" She giggles.

" Ok truth or dare Phoenix."Hangman says.

"Dare!"  she says thinking she's taking the easy way out not having to share a secret.

"Hmmmm." he's says smirking and tapping his middle finger on his chin in a thinking expression. Rooster then wispers onto Hangmans ear. " Ugh ok yeah thats actually ok yeah sure." He rolls his eyes at having to agree with Rooster because what he thought of was good. "I dare you to call Maverick and tell him your pregnant." He says

"WHAT NO! Hangman I could loose my spot on the mission if I do that!" She says.

"A dare is a dare." Fanboy says.

" Ok fine. Bob pass me my phone please."

"Uhhh here ya go." He says and hands it to her gently. She takes it from him feeling more calm because of how softly he handed to her, but then her heart rate sky rocketed like an F-18 as she dialed Maverick.

" Phoenix what are you doing up this late?" He answers. She freezes and then mouths a cruse word over at her fellow pilots.

" Ma Ma Maverick." She stutters.

" Phoenix whats wrong." He asks her.
She then stands up and starts walking in circles across Hangman's living room the boys trying so hard not to laugh.

" I don't know how to tell you but I have to and I'm just so sorry Maverick I'm sorry." She wines. At this Maverick now gets worried was she hurt? Sick?

" Well you have to tell me now kiddo."
He says with an aggravated tone.

" I know I know." She says faking full panic mode. " I I'm pregnant." She blurts.

Maverick's breath hitches. " Phoenix."

"Maverick I am so sorry I got told by the doctor I need to take it easy,  I'm sorry."  She says still exquisitely acting. This leaves Maverick panicking ,what was he gonna do? He found his best six and Phoenix was one of the best of the best. How was he gonna deal with this?

"Phoenix......."He exhales. "Congratulations. You can pick up your stuff tomorrow." He says with a corse voice.

Phoenix then laughes. " Hahaha you actually fell for it."

"What!?"Maverick says.

"Its just a joke I got you goooooooooood old captain." She smiles.

"Omg Phoenix! You scared me half to death, don't ever do that to me again." He yells in the phone.

" Byeeeeeeeeeeee loveeee youuuu." Phoenix hangs up and takes a sip out of a wine bottle.

"Hahaha! That was so worth it." Phoenix says.

" Maverick is gonna kill you tomorrow." Rooster chimes in.

They all keep playing and drinking. At the end of the night they decide to sleep at Hangman's to be safe and they wake up the next morning hurry to their homes and go off to the carrier. All day Phoenix has so much trouble taking Maverick seriously she even started laughing at one point wich is really unheard of for the cool calm and collected pilot. Maverick couldn't take her seriously either and had to fight to keep a straight face as well.

Overall this jump scare was fun, and will be a great memory that the 8 aviators will take to their grave!

Guys this was based off my headcanon I hope you like it. It was fun to make!

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