Chapter 8.5- Perspective

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The sound of dripping water from the cavern ceiling comforts me. The air is moist, still, quiet, and unmoving. My mouth is dry and my tongue aches for sustenance. The scars on my body have healed, but they still sting from the cold. How long have I been trapped here? I stopped counting the minutes after 2 million...



Hm? what's this?

Something weird caught my attention. Using my senses, I know everything that occurs inside this cave. I memorized every creature's mana signals, the exact amount of Torqinite that exists in this cave, the smell of soil...

Increasing my hearing range to the maximum, I can tell that those footsteps are unfamiliar. It is too light for it to be a Demogre, and way heavier than a Spritsies. Is there one of them? No, I can hear two. I need to confirm who or what this is.

Using the last bit of mana I've been saving, I projected my soul outwards and glided toward the foreign entities. Is it that despicable Volken coming to check up on me? No, it can't be. He wouldn't bring someone with him. I also cannot hear him either. Just who are they?

Questions clouded my mind as I fastened my pace. Upon arrival, the two mysterious creatures were fighting the Spritsies. Even though I can only see the mana outline of any being in soul form, it is enough for monitoring purposes. The two mana signatures are abysmally weak, like a dying light. They seem to have the same body structure as an Apithien, although shorter in height. Are they one of the weaker ones? Let's keep on observing.

They struggled to fight against one of the Spritsies. It is obvious that these Apithiens are beginners with no training. Even so, their teamwork is exceptional. While one distracts the Spritsie, the other bide their time, waiting for the perfect chance to strike. A couple of minutes later, they finally managed to kill it with a stalactite. They seem to be celebrating their accomplishment. I applaud their resourcefulness but honestly, it's kind of embarrassing you had to resort to such means.

Hm? I sense more Spritsies barreling through the corridors- and here comes a new group of them. How will they fare against more of them? All I could do was watch.


They are improving at an accelerating rate. They managed to dispatch a Demogre and a Magus Demogre for a bunch of beginners. It should be impossible to show this much growth in a short amount of time. They were struggling with those little pests moments ago. Just who are these Apithiens? Are they late-bloomers? Prodigies? Ah. Looks like they are splitting up now. The female seemed to have wanted to stick together but the male disagreed. I don't care either way as long as one of them approaches my direction. After some preparations, they set off on different paths. This is good news. It is only a matter of time before we meet. As soon as she arrives, I'll warn her about the guardians.

Some time has passed, and my beacon of light has finally arrived. She was looking around the cavern in awe of its beauty. Since my mana reservoir is abysmally low, I took that chance to retreat into my body and resort to using telepathy. Connecting my mind to hers, I could hear her speaking about leaving the cave.

Oh no you don't! I'm not letting you leave me here after all this time! My top priority right now is having you survive the oncoming battle.

"Wait. Do not leave yet." I said through her mind. As expected, she started freaking out, but I didn't care. I had to warn her about the guardians. It took quite a while to convince her, but it worked, nonetheless. I can sense the guardian's mana signatures approaching the girl. She must have stepped over the boundary line...

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