Chapter 7- A New Foe

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"Too slow!"


A demon ogre swung its great sword in an attempt to cleave my body in half, but my speed proved to be too much for it. With a quick flip over its head and a smooth landing, I sliced away at the tendons in its leg. The ogre let out a painful yelp and before it hit the ground, I shifted toward its frontside and stabbed at the heart.

"You guys have these great weapons and got them from God knows where, but your movements are all too simple. I already memorized your patterns!" A swift kick to the stomach made the ogre tumble to the ground, its eyes showing no signs of life. I removed my sword from the dead demon and proceeded to wipe the blood off the blade.

"That makes 6 of them. While they may be getting stronger, they just aren't a challenge for me. What a disappointment man. The only saving grace is that I'm getting closer to the end as the path seems to be going upwards... " Groaning to myself, I decided to look at my Status to see my progress.

Name: Isaac

Rank: Undecided

Strength:10     Agility:10

Durability:8     Mana:2

Masteries: Marksmanship Lvl 2     Swordsmanship Lvl 2     Night Vision Lvl 1

Energy Manipulation Lvl 1

After a quick peek at my stats, I nodded my head in agreement. Things are progressing smoothly on this end. Navigating through the cave over time allowed me to gain a new mastery of [Night Vision] and a level up in my [Swordsmanship].

I turned my head back to where I came from. "I wonder how Laila's doing on the other side. Getting kind of worried here but... eh I'm sure she's fine. It's her after all. She can be quite stubborn whenever she wants to be."

And I can't let her get the one-up on me. If she were to be better at this type of stuff than me, that would deal a serious blow.

Anyways, it's time for my periodic mana training. I sat down at the nearest wall to prepare. After some experimentation, I figured out how to use mana. It took quite a while for it to manifest but man was it worth it! All I had to do was envision in my mind what I desired from this power and boom! My beautiful creation came to life, but something I hadn't expected happened. With a snap of my fingers, a small ball of flames and an ice pick appeared.

"Tch, no notable difference in size." Another snap later, they disappeared. That spectacle is called [Energy Manipulation]. The name came from the System itself. At first, I was confused about what counted as energy, but when you think about it carefully, mana could be counted as a form of energy. I then convert mana into whatever I imagine, but there were two problems discovered during experimentation. One, it is ridiculously hard to level up my mana Stat, meaning slow development, and two, the more energy I use, the heavier the burden. I found that out the hard way when my heart felt like it would explode during an earlier fight. That is the reason for my mana training- to increase my proficiency and strengthen my body. Picking a class that produces quick results is what I usually get for RPGs, but I wanted to switch things up and thought of the complete opposite.

I face-palmed at my blunder. "Man, this sucks. I picked one that starts off weak AND progresses slowly. I thought I would get multiple powers to obtain which is why I made a mental list, but you could only choose the first thing you think of?! What kind of broken system is this? Should've just done something simple." Just thinking about it again pisses me off.

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