Ch 49. One For All...No More

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


Daichi's Quirk: Green Whip (Green colored variation of Black Whip)

Shiro's Quirk: Intimidation (Can make people around him feel overwhelmingly scared, paranoid, and anxious(The opposite of Hikage's Quirk))

Hana's Quirk: Push (An extremely powerful gravity/telekinesis Quirk that pushes things away from her(The opposite in almost every way to Inko's Quirk))

Ichiro's Quirk: Omni (Has the ability to use any possible Quirk in existence(inspired by Wildcard from 'We Can Be Heroes'))


Izuku was tired, but sleep wasn't coming to him.

He was floating in a black endless void, but it wasn't One For All...that was obvious. It was different and he wasn't sure where he was. He was about to start walking in a random direction when a voice called out, making him halt and turned towards it. Standing their were the One For All users, but they weren't the ones he had gotten to know in the last two or so years.

"Hello, big brother." Yoichi greeted sadly." Your sacrifice play was unexpected...we hadn't intended for you to die..."

"Your the...One For All users from the future, aren't you." Izuku whispered, wondering how this was even possible." are you here?"

Yoichi just smiled, before waving their hand a glowing orb hovering in the dark void.

"When we sent you order to see what was happening, we placed parts of our souls in your own soul." Yoichi explained gently." It wasn't enough to be noticed or even do anything....but it was enough to connect us."

"I died...didn't I?" Izuku murmured and Yoichi gave him a small smile, looking between the other One For All users for a moment. Then they turned back to him, their smile growing slightly.

"That's up too you." Yoichi stated simply, before the glowing orb lowered and hovered in front of him." You have three options. One, you pass've certainly earned it. Two, you stay here...or three, you go back."

Izuku stared at his little brother, confusion rising inside him.

"How is going back even possible?" Izuku asked, frowning." I died...One For All killed could I even come back from that?"

Yoichi just smirked, looking mildly amused.

"That's exactly the reason you can go back." Yoichi stated simply." The will be a order to go back, One For All must take your place. You would lose all the Quirks inside One For All and One For All itself."

Izuku stared, he'd lose his ability to use the One For All users Quirks, he'd lose One For All itself. However the Quirk had served it's purpose, it had defeated his past self. Was he willing to let it go though, he already knew the answer to that. His family was more important then some Quirk, funny how that would have been the last thing he'd admit only five or so years ago.

He turned to Yoichi, small smile on his face.


Banjo stood in front of the table, a cloth was over his Husband's body and he just stared at the pale face of Izuku. It had been a week since Izuku died, sacrificing themselves for him and he couldn't help but feel immense guilt over the entire situation. This was all his fault, all his fault.

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