Ch 20. Yoichi's Remorse

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You know what? I honestly thought I would lose the motivation for this story fairly quickly....yet torturing AFO is bringing me so much joy and inspiration!

Shorter chapter this time, wasn't really sure of what to do with Yoichi's POV.... it's only about 180 chapters less then normal though...nothing too big!


Yoichi hadn't been happy when Shiro first came to the void little over a year ago, he had felt fear and panic. Eight had given One For All to the person that should have never gotten it, but the memories he saw didn't line up properly. The date's in the memories didn't match the current time they were in.

It was under further investigation that Yoichi found that his brother was actually from the future, a future in which they had won. When Shiro appeared in the void, Yoichi was ready to dish out revenge. Only for Shiro to break down at the the mention of their name, only moments after asking the users to kill him.

He didn't understand, until they had mentioned there was an accident in the time travel and he had merged with on called Izuku Midoriya.

Surprisingly Shiro had started to prefer the name Izuku over Shiro, yet still Yoichi was cautious and scared that his brother was simply acting. They were good at acting, after all they had pretend they cared for so long...until the incident which lead to his isolation from other people.

Yet even when given an impossible task, Shiro or Izuku now, had faced it head on. He'd started an online hobby/information bank, one where Heroes could get information about the Villains they were after.

It wasn't until the Entrance exams that Yoichi started to realize just how much Izuku had changed, they weren't the same person they originally were. He knew part of that was the original Izuku personality, but he didn't care. The green haired teen had given his brother back, even if at the cost of being almost overwritten.

Izuku sacrifice of themselves for the original Izuku's bully was a surprise, he hadn't expected them to push the explosive teen out of the way and take the hit themselves. They had been too accepting of their death, even the other users in One For All were worried about the former Super Villain.

Yoichi had panicked with how many times Izuku flat-lined before finally stabilizing, but that wasn't the only shock that was to come. A little bit later Daigorou had begun to flirt with his brother and to his astonishment, Izuku responded fairly positively.

Things slowly started to get better, Izuku was allowed to have Danger Sense before their deadline due to their stunt at the Entrance Exams and they were adapting well. Then the news came that One For All was killing them, the news shaking Yoichi foundation once again. The worst part being that Izuku didn't care, at least not as much as he should have cared.

Then USJ happened, Izuku keeping their promise of saving Tenko and even managed to returned Kurogiri back to the state they were in before their death.

Yoichi finally accepted the fact that his brother had changed, for the better even.

Then only a week and half ago, he made a mistake he regretted nearly instantly. However he refused to drop the act, he was scared and ashamed of what he did. He figured that perhaps he could just hide away and forget it ever happened, but it started affecting his relationship with Katsumi and Sokka.

He knew that he was being a coward, but truthfully he just couldn't face his brother after telling them he hated them. That had been a lie and the look of heartbreak on his brothers face afterwards had broken his own heart, but he still walked away. He knew he could ask to be forgiven, forgiveness came from inside...the most he could ask for was reconciliation.

Yoichi knew that forgiving someone that hurt you didn't erase what they did, one would never forget the event no matter how much they tried too. He had long since forgiven Izuku for the Vault, forgiven, but never forgot. However, somehow he still couldn't get past the fear that something would happen and he'd lose his brother to their insanity once more.

Currently he was at the edge of the void, or more like so far out that no one ever really came here. He had been here for a while now, since his fight with Izuku. Katsumi and Sokka came by often to try and talk sense into him, but he'd just ignore them. There wasn't any arguing, fighting, or anything really.

He just stayed silent and stared out into the void, after a while even Katsumi and Sokka's visits became less frequent.

He knew they were furious with him, but he was being trapped by his own emotions. He was technically punishing himself, he had cut off the thoughts of Izuku from reaching him and just stayed alone in the void. Self isolation, ironic considering how much he hated being isolated in the Vault, yet at the same time he just didn't care now.


Yoichi barely even blinked when Katsumi appeared next to him again, they didn't talk like every time before. They just stood there for a few minutes, something was wrong and Yoichi wasn't sure what it was. Something about Katsumi's presence spoke of something bad that had happened, Yoichi was almost afraid of what it was.

"Izuku had an incident." Katsumi stated eventually." He was at his Internships and crossed paths with the Hero Killer."

Yoichi's heart leapt into their throat at the words, he had been right about feeling as if something was off. He listened as Katsumi retold the events that had taken place and how Izuku had momentarily snapped, killing the Hero Killer. 

The most worrying part was their hair turning white as well as their eyes turning red, changing back to their original appearance. Yoichi swallowed, before turning to face the Second user for the first time. Their eyes looking grim, clearly just as worried about the situation as Yoichi was feeling inside.

"What happened afterwards?" Yoichi asked, his voice barely audible.

"Izuku is planning to commit suicide after giving One For All away." Katsumi said and Yoichi's eyes widened, deep seated fear rushing through him.

"Why?" Yoichi asked, having stood up and was now fully facing the Second user. Katsumi sighed and muttered something under their breath, before explaining how Izuku thought they was going to lose themselves and wanted to prevent a worse catastrophe.

"I refuse to leave them, you know I control whether we do in fact get passed along." Yoichi stated stubbornly." I won't allow the transfer."

Katsumi said nothing, just stared him down as if trying to read him. Normally it was easy to read him, but right now he was feeling so many things that he couldn't even read them all.

"You need to come back soon, none of the other users are happy with you." Katsumi warned and Yoichi winced slightly, knowing that was true. He looked around and let out a sigh, before nodding.

It was time to stop running, he had run for long enough.

He needed to face his brother and prove to them he understood he had made a mistake. He turned to Katsumi, hesitating for a moment as he wondered what to say next. He decided to settle for the truth, after all that's all he really could do.

"I never meant it." Yoichi admitted, earning a mildly surprised look from Katsumi." I never meant it when I said I hated him, he just made me so so angry and I lashed out. I know it doesn't make up for that, but I just was too scared to face them after that."

"Your much more alike then your realize." Katsumi stated, giving an amused huff." You both have guilt complex's the size of Jupiter."

Yoichi chuckled slightly at that, but didn't disagree with them. He took a deep breath before turning in the direction of the place that the other users were likely at. This would be a difficult discussion, but if he postponed would only get more difficult.

"Alright then, I suppose we should head back then." Yoichi declared and the two slowly made their way back to the main group.


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