Ch 9. Questions

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Izuku woke up slowly, blinking away the light that reached his eyes.

With a groan he shifted himself into a seated position, relieved that he wasn't in pain. That being said he was stiff, which indicated at least a couple of days being in the same position, likely unconscious.

A steady beeping sound came from his left, turning to look it was a heart monitor. That's when he noted the IV's and cords running from his arm and other body parts, he really had been close to death. He needed to get that Super Regeneration Quirk from the Nomu, it wouldn't only help his current issue with One For All...but it would prevent this kind of situation in the future.

"Ah, your awake." Recovery Girl's voice stated from off to the side. Izuku turned to look at the frankly exhausted looking Medical Hero, he winced at the eye-bags under their eyes.

"How close was I to dying?" Izuku asked seriously, he needed to know. If only for peace of mind and to avoid it in the future.

The grim frown on Recovery Girl's face was more then enough confirmation, but Izuku wanted to hear it directly. He waited as the Medical Hero gave him a check over, before deeming it safe to remove the IV so he could try fluids directly.

"Initially, extremely close." Recovery Girl said eventually." However, you flat-lined at least five times since you've been here."

Izuku nodded, having expected that sort of news.

Suddenly his eyes widened as he remembered a small detail he missed when he woke, turning to look at Recovery Girl in panic.

"What to happened to Bakugou?" Izuku asked, scared to know the truth." Please tell me you didn't do anything to him, he can't be expelled!"

If Bakugou was expelled, then there was no saying how that would affect the timeline. It could change everything, he couldn't prevent a future he didn't even know. The look on Recovery Girl's face wasn't promising, but he had to try and convince them it was a bad idea to let Bakugou leave UA.

"It hasn't been decided, he's currently being held in the UA campus cells." Recovery Girl stated with a sigh." We wanted to wait for you to wake in order to properly decide how to handle the situation."

Izuku let out a small breath of relief, he could probably convince Inko to not press charges on the attack. However it would give him an opportunity to have Bakugou go to anger management classes, general therapy, and have proper restrictions put in place to avoid a situation like this from happening again.

As he thought about how he was going to broach the subject to Toshinori, Aizawa, and Inko, he didn't notice two of the ones he was thinking of entering the room.

"Midoriya." Aizawa's voice cut through his thoughts, making him blink up towards his teacher in momentary confusion.

"Ah, sensei!" Izuku exclaimed with a nervous chuckle." Sorry, I was just lost in thought, did you say something?"

"I asked how you were feeling and whether you'd be up for some Questioning about the situation?" Aizawa stated and Izuku finally took note of a third person in the room, Tsukauchi.

"A-Ah, of c-course!" Izuku stammered out, cursing his Izuku half." I am doing fairly well considering the circumstances and I am more then willing to answer questions."

Tsukauchi nodded before dragging a chair over and taking a seat next to Izuku's bed, both Toshinori and Aizawa standing behind them.

"How long have you known, Bakugou?" Tsukauchi asked and Izuku frowned, would it be a lie if he answered the question from Izuku's point of view?

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