Ch 27. Kidnapped

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


"Brother!" Izuku greeted Yoichi with a wide smile, almost missing the fact they were also as solid as Banjo." Your solid as well?!"

Yoichi grinned and gave a small chuckle.

"It would appear that is the case, now what is it that your so excited about?" Yoichi asked curiously." You wouldn't be this happy and excited just because Banjo turned solid, so what's on your mind?"

Izuku opened to respond, before pausing and turning towards Banjo. He held his hand out for his fiance and they took it happily, a gentle smile on the other mans face. He hoped Yoichi wouldn't mind the idea of him getting married once he got his license, sure it had been less then a year since he'd started a relationship with the Fifth user...but he loved them and they had gone through so much together since he went back in time.

"Um, a few minutes ago...Banjo purposed to me!" Izuku revealed and Yoichi's jaw dropped in complete shock, their green eyes flickering from him to Banjo and back again.

Katsumi and Sokka just rolled their eyes, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like 'finally' and Nana was smirking slightly. It was hard to tell En's expression though, considering they kept their mask on all the time. Hikage however looked like he was going to start planning Banjo's second death, his new Papa was a tad to overprotective.

Then again, considering he had died several times and had a few mental breakdowns, he had to admit the concern was appreciated and valid.

Hikage stalked up to Banjo, giving his lover a hard look that promised pain if they so much looked at Izuku wrong. He wanted to interfere, but considering Hikage hadn't been able to parent him when his Izuku half was growing up...he let it slide. If he enjoyed watching them parent him, he would never tell anyone.

"You so much as think about hurting Izuku, I will tear you limb from limb until your nothing but soup and blood." Hikage stated their voice low and their black eyes glinting dangerously." Are we clear?"

Banjo swallowed, their face having gone deathly pale at the words.

"Y-Yes, sir." Banjo stuttered out." Crystal clear!"

Hikage nodded, before turning to Izuku and giving him a closed eyed smile. He had to admit, Hikage was second scariest person he'd ever met, first being Inko. He shivered slightly, now he had two parents to fear. Only Hikage is more then willing to threaten his fiance, as well as follow through with said threat.

He was under no illusion that the former Forest Hermit was dangerous, if they traps he had set up that nearly killed Banjo were any indication. He could only hope that Banjo survived till they actually got married.

"Good, glad we have an understanding." Hikage purred, giving the Fifth user a small nod and returning to their position.

Banjo slowly turned towards me, a dead-inside look in their eyes.

"Your Father terrifies me, Shiro." Banjo stated simply, making Izuku snicker in amusement. It was at time like this his sadistic personality came out, he had too much fun watching Banjo suffer from parental protectiveness.

"I don't see this issue, Banjo-kun." Izuku responded with a smirk, before turning to Hikage." What about during our, intimate moments....I quite enjoy a little pain during those times."

Banjo spluttered at the words, giving him a wide eyes and mortified expression. He just smiled innocently, turning to give his fiance a raised eyebrow, as if daring them to do anything about the situation.

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