Ch 3. Resolve

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Izuku stood up, pulling away from his brother reluctantly.

Turning to face the other six users, he swallowed nervously. What he was about to do was equivalent to selling his soul, he just hoped they didn't take advantage of that and kill him while this timelines version of himself was still out there. He was more then prepared to die, but until such a time as he could defeat his past self it wasn't a smart plan for the users to make.

"I know you all hate me." Izuku started his eyes not lowering or wavering." I killed you, ruined your lives, and hurt countless people. However I learned the hard way that winning was not all it is cut out to be, my ambition ruined my chance at love and my relationship with my brother."

Silence fell, Izuku closing his eyes for a moment to take a deep breath. This was it, there wasn't any turning back, his fate was in the previous One For All users hands.

"I can never make up for what I have done in the past, however I can destroy this timelines version of me." Izuku continued his mouth gone dry." I know all my plans and backup plans, once I have defeated can have your way with me. Whether through death, torture, or anything else. I accept my fate...I accept any punishment you will see fit to give me."

With that he fell silent, crossing his arms shakily behind his back as he waited anxiously for the users verdict. He had made his move, now the ball was in their court. What they would decide would inevitably decide the future of the world.

For a few minutes there was no sound, not even the sound of breathing due this being a dream more or less. Finally the users made their move.

"I say we should end him now." Katsumi stated through narrowed red eyes, he had made his vote. Izuku swallowed knowing Sokka would likely follow Katsumi's lead.

"I am with Katsumi." Sokka confirmed. With a nod Izuku turned to the fourth user solemnly, watching the grey eyes mans flicker between Yoichi and the second and third user.

"I will trust Yoichi." Hikage decided with a sigh." He has never let his brother control the logic in his decisions, so there is no reason to think he would now."

Next was Daigorou, he was the user that Izuku had to admit he liked the most. Besides his brother obviously, but he knew it meant nothing to the Fifth user.

"I side with...Yoichi as well." Daigorou decided eventually." We can't afford to pass One For All once again, it would likely kill someone at this point."

Three in his favor now, the next two votes would decide his fate.

"I side with Katsumi." En stated simply, the man was not overly fond of conversation and was usually rather blunt. Nana Shimura, the one he wronged the most besides his brother was the tie breaker...would he get a chance to destroy himself or will this be his end.

"Quite frankly I hate you and I have more reason to then most of the others, because you brainwashed my own grandson against me." Nana began with a narrow eyed look." However that being said, what you did to Yoichi was much worse. If he is willing to do this, then there is no reason I shouldn't. I side Yoichi."

Izuku let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, despite not needing to breath in a dream. To say he wasn't afraid would be a lie, he had been terrified. That said he had been will to face consequences for his past actions, even he understood that only a week ago he would never have dreamed of doing that.

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