Ch 33. Quirk Accident

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The next two days went by slowly, but Izuku was on edge.

The warning the voice had given him still playing on repeat in his head, making him wonder what could potentially make want to choose it more then his own family who he loved more then anything? It was unsettling, but he tried to push it out of his mind and enjoy the time he had freely with Banjo, Daichi, Shiro, and Hana.

Currently his three children were exploring the the lake, he had just gotten back from training with Aizawa and class 1-A and was just relaxing against Banjo who was reading a book they had been invested in.

Yoichi was playing with their nephew's and niece, laughing when Hana splashed them with a wave of water. It made Izuku smile, seeing his brother so care free and happy after so long of being sad, as well as lonely. Banjo just wrapped one of their arms around him, making him tilt his head up lovingly to the man.

"I love you, Banjo-kun." Izuku murmured softly and Banjo just chuckled.

"Love ya too, Daffodil." Banjo replied, pressing a kiss on the top of his head, making Izuku flush and duck slightly.

However the moment cut off by Hana let out a scream, making Izuku leapt to his feet with a spike of pure fear. Banjo wasn't to far behind as they rushed over to their children and Yoichi. Hana was curled on the ground crying, while Shiro was pale as a sheet of paper and looking extremely scared and guilty.

"Dad, I don't know what's going on!" Shiro cried, their eyes glistening with tears." Please make it stop, I don't want Hana to be in pain!"

Izuku just kneeled next to his daughter, swallowing slightly and turning back towards Banjo with a serious expression.

"Get Aizawa and Hikage, now!" Izuku ordered and Banjo didn't protest, using Black Whip to move as fast as possible through the tree's to get the two men. Izuku then turned back to Shiro, who looked so close to having a mental breakdown.

"I'm sorry dad, I didn't mean to!" Shiro said shakily, they looked scared and confused.

Izuku's heart broke at those words, he'd said the same not that long ago about something different. He took Shiro's hand in his own, giving his son a soft yet reassuring smile.

"Sweetie, everything will be fine...Hana will be alright and you didn't mean to hurt your sister." Izuku reassured, bringing the boy into his arms as Yoichi kept a close eye on Hana.

"But I...I hurt h-her." Shiro cried, wiping the tears from their eyes.

"It was an accident, and accidents happen." Izuku reassured gently." Me and you Papa aren't going to blame you for it, cause it's not your fault."

Hikage and Aizawa appeared, Aizawa immediately activating their Quirk and instantly Hana calmed down. Hikage walked over to Shiro, kneeling in front of them with a soft smile and kind eyes. Shiro gave them a frightened look, but pulled from him and went to hug Hikage who returned it.

"You manifested a Quirk not unlike my own." Hikage murmured softly, keeping a tight yet gentle hold on Shiro." I sense Danger, you project that feeling onto others...but that doesn't mean it's a bad Quirk, it just means you need to be careful on how you use it from now on."

"O-Ok, Grandpa Hikage." Shiro muttered, wiping his tears away a little." Can I still be a Hero if my Quirk only hurts people?"

Izuku's heart clenched painfully, he didn't know why though.

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