Ch 12. Tenko Shimura

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Izuku watched passively as the Pro's cleaned up the mess caused by the attack, the Nomu unlike last time was dead. As much as his new morals didn't like causing death, he still noted that it was a mercy to the poor person that had been mutilated that far.

He turned his head when he noticed Toshinori approaching him, giving the Hero a hesitant smile. To say he wasn't nervous about the consequences of his actions would be a lie, he was terrified that he would be thrown in a cell somewhere. Logically he knew that wouldn't be the case, mainly due to having only gotten involved due to his life being literally on the line if he didn't.

"Hey." Izuku greeted the number one Hero, before taking a bite out of the protein bar that he had been given earlier.

"That was seriously reckless, Izuku." Toshinori said softly, worry shining in their blue eyes.

"I know, but I had to get that Super Regeneration Quirk." Izuku stated with a sigh." If I didn't then One For All would have killed me, which would have broken my brother and a few of the previous users."

Toshinori said, clearly not pleased with the situation, but being able to tell it was for the best. Izuku smiled at his father figure, before turning and spotting Aizawa talking to someone a little ways away. Last time according to Tomura, the Underground Hero had been nearly dead when they called off the attack. At least he had prevented at least one of his many mistakes from happening.

"Nedzu told me how insistent you were that Shigaraki and Kurogiri weren't put into cells." Toshinori said, bringing Izuku's attention back to them." Can you tell me why?"

Izuku felt a spike of fear, he knew that Toshinori forgave him for a lot of things. However he didn't know how the man would react to the fact that he had conditioned Nana's grandson to hate them and despise Heroes. After all there was only so much that person can take before they become less then willing to forgive, not that he wouldn't deserve it.

Biting his lip, Izuku took a deep breath.

"Shigaraki is not their real name." Izuku admitted softly, earning a puzzled expression from the Hero next to him." Their real name is...Tenko Shimura."

It looked as if Toshinori had been sucker punched in the gut, their eyes were wide a saucers and their mouth hang open in shock. Izuku waited for the hate, the lashing out, or anything to indicate he was still a monster...but nothing came.

Instead a flurry of emotions passed over Toshinori's face, almost to fast to make out. Anger, disgust, but that soon changed to others, fear, hope, concern, and acceptance. Eventually the Hero let out a sigh, clearly trying to calm themselves. Izuku waited patiently for Toshinori to speak, knowing that it wouldn't be smart to rush the Hero.

"I can't say that I am happy learning that you had turned my Master's grandson into a Villain, but at least your attempting to right your wrongs." Toshinori stated eventually, letting Izuku breath a little more easily.

"That's the plan, to right as many of my mistakes as possible." Izuku confessed with a sigh." It's the least I can do, with the opportunity I have been provided with."


"I don't like this." Aizawa stated, giving Izuku a frown.

Izuku sighed, he had been arguing with the teacher for a while now, but he had made his decision. He had promised Nana that he'd save their grandson and he wasn't going to break that promise. He had already info-dumped what would happen should he continue his current path.

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