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First I'd like to start off by saying I'm sorry for the intense ending. If you know me as a writer and my books then you'll know that I don't ever kill off main characters. And if I do I somehow find a way to bring them back due to my attachment to the character.

I wanted this book to be my most realistic book, since Named Malik & Coco was already realistic I wanted this one to follow through with it. If you know my books I like to write them as if they're movies, series. Which is why this book is technically a three part series that starts with Thugs Waters. Believe it or not I wanted to make a forth book....I know right.

Maybe I shouldn't.

I thought of having it follow Malik's life and or love life after Kimia. But I think I might just leave this book as is and do like some people recommended and start a completely new book with completely new characters.

Anyways let me know what you think

How do you feel about the story?

How do you feel about the ending?

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