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"I don't want you going all out pops," I reassure him with a laugh and an upbeat mood that hasn't left since

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"I don't want you going all out pops," I reassure him with a laugh and an upbeat mood that hasn't left since. "This just one game we got many more to come."

"Damn right," my dad replies laughing too. "But this one is important. It's your first win at a university. You led that team to victory son you did." He leans in placing his arm on my shoulder. "And I'm so proud of you."

As I looked around the expensive restaurant I couldn't help but feel something shift inside of me. My dad ain't a bad dad but he does give me tough love just like his dad did. Which meant that he was always on me about how to be better. He didn't hype up what was right in front of him which was me but instead what could be right in front of him. Telling me different ways of how I could always be better. My pops always saw a potential in me that nobody else saw. He put his faith in me. I walk around with so much confidence look I rule the world because he's always treated me like I do. Well more like he rules the world and then I follow next. Moral of the story is my dad always told me I have the potential to be the best. And I guess at the time I wasn't striving to be the best. But tonight? I saw and felt what it's like to win. To actually win because I wanted to. And I loved every minute of it.

I glance at my mom who is sitting beside him and she nods in agreement. "We're so proud of you Jr." she agrees. "We even got surprise for you."

"What?" Confusion fills my face and I look around before my eyes land on the two people I've been dying to see. "Oh my god." I mumble to myself standing up I rush towards them and they both let out a heartfelt laugh hugging me.

"How my favorite grandson doing?" My grandpa Khalil asks once they pull away.

I chuckle at that. "I'm ya only grandson pop."

"I missed you so much," my grandma Danielle expresses pulling me into a tight hug.

I smile hugging her back. "I missed y'all more."

Once I take a seat we all get back to talking and they start asking me questions about school. "So you got you a girlfriend yet Jr?" My grandmother asks with hopeful eyes.

My dad speaks up before I can. "Ma it's only his first week at the place-"

"Boy I ain't talking to you," she fans him off. "I'm talking to my grandson."

I let out a laugh before smirking. "No ma'am," I reply back respectfully. "I have friends though." I use a code word.

Khalil gives me a knowing look. "As he should and that's how it should be. He's still young and got his future ahead of him."

My dad nods in agreement. "Right right pops that's what I be saying-"

"Hush up all that now." Danielle snaps making them fall quiet momentarily.

With ease my dad continues his voice lower this time. "I'm just saying ma these women out here a use him for his money. Ain't how it used to be when y'all was young. These new broads mainly gold diggers they see Jr and see dollar signs."

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