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"Com'on." Three urges wrapping her arm around my shoulder as we make our way into the fraternity house. Purple decor littering the walls, pictures of big brother who have graduated and plaques on the walls. It seemed like me and the three girls (no pun intended) had to squeeze by what felt like hundreds of people to get inside the home.

It having multiple levels and floors but the downstairs being the most packed. I glanced around seeing different people posted up against the walls, middle of the rooms, and along the stairs holding red cups and engaging in conversations.

"We've got to get you a drink!" Nadine shouts over the music.

Jade laughs at that one. "Trying to picture this one drinking," she eyes me momentarily. "I don't see it."

I roll my eyes. "I uh....I don't know." I wasn't one to allow myself to be peer pressured. And as much as I want to make new experiences and drink I also know I'm not a regular person. They wouldn't just see a random college girl drunk, they'll see me Kimia David's daughter of Cassia and DC David's embarrassing her family. And I wasn't trying to do that. So I figure for now I'd play it safe and not drink.

"Aye Jade where you been?" A male voice interrupts.

All of us pause and at this point we're in the living room. I eye the guy who looks to be standing at 5'11, thick build, brown skin, singles in his hair, and tattoos covering his neck, a purple Que jacket on his body. His eyes rank up and down me. "Kimia David's." He calls into to me completely ignoring his first question.

"Ignore my brother. Cion please act like you've been somewhere before." Jade says with a mug on her face.

He fans his sister off reaching his hands out he takes mine in his before leaning down kissing the back of it. His eyes never leaving mine in the process. "Been wanting to do that ever since I saw you on Insta. You are so fine." He compliments.

I smile politely pulling my hand away. "Thank you. And you are?"

"My stupid big headed brother," Jade interrupts stepping in front of him. "Who is very much a player just ask Three."

"Thressa I ain't see you right there." Cion speaks to Three with an annoyed expression. I'm slightly surprised to find out her real name is something completely different.

Three rolls her eyes. "Of course you wouldn't. You can't see by that wack ass game you be spittin'. Just a heads up Kim ain't interested. Okay? She's seen better and she's been better places."

Cion allows her to talk her stuff without a care in the world his eyes falling back on me and he stares at me with a very lustful look. "Trust me I can take her way better places."

I wasn't completely sure what he meant by that but I figured it was meant to be in a sexual way because before I know it Nadine is speaking up too. "Un un nope. Let's go." She says grabbing my wrist she pulls us towards the kitchen.

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