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•Malik Kades Jr•

I turned on my side switching from my right to my left. Time seemed to quickly fade, but it didn't matter how light outside it got, the darkness surrounded me and I found it suffocating. My chest aching as I finally opened my eyes. The sight of her side of the bed empty breaking my heart all over again.

I'd felt so long being "strong" I'd held so much inside. There were times I wanted to cry, be angry at the world, yell. But I always kept my composure always. And until her last breath I believe she was truly happy with me. I just hated myself and the universe itself that I wasn't able to grow old with her, not even just that but that I wasn't able to have kids with her, see her glowing and pregnant. Watching her be the best mother, and me as crazy as it seems a good father. I know I never seemed like the type but then again I always thought I wasn't the marrying type now look at me. I'm someone's husband.

It didn't matter what happened I would never let that title fade. Just life my love for her it'll live on for an infinite.

And as I stared up at my ceiling begging for me to wake up from this dream I thought of the fact that her funeral is tomorrow.

And I found myself wishing mine was too.

• • • •

The world cried out in agony for her.

Tabloids reading:

Twenty Two year old Kimia David's passed away in her sleep due to Leukemia

Kimia David's Multitalented star gone too soon

Kimia David's pronounced dead Friday afternoon due to Leukemia

The same people who trashed & bashed her for her entire life spoke of her now with nothing but love. Deep down I know they don't give a damn about her, they just care about riding the current wave, and the current wave is her death. It angered me to see everyone pretending to give her all this love. But it made me feel better to see the genuine people giving her love. Her fans posting videos & edits of her, people writing letters of how she's impacted and changed their life.

She changed my life too.

Her funeral stretched down the streets, celebrities lined up for seats and some even stood to pay their respects. I stood outside leaned up against the wall with Taze as he smoked a blunt. Which nobody noticed, thankfully their too busy placing their focus on this funeral to worry about the fact that me and my family are here. Even if they did I wouldn't give a fuck though. I don't care about anything since.....

"A lot of people loved her. She was sweet woman cousin." Taze says as he passes me the blunt.

Though I don't smoke I accept it taking it I hit it so hard that my lungs burn and I fight the urge to cough. "She was the sweetest." I agree lowly.

"What y'all doing out here?" Dahlia questions snatching the blunt out of his hand she smacks him upside his head. "Have some damn respect!"

"But he smoking too and it's h-"

"Tazon." She warns giving him a look to let him know she's not playing.

He just shakes his head. "I'll see you inside brother." He reaches out dapping me up and I just now letting him walk off.

I try to walk off too but my aunt steps in front of me. "Nephew...." She trails placing her hand on my shoulder she attempts to comfort me. "Don't let all these folks and what they think discourage you. You have the right to mourn and show it more than anybody."

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