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•Malik Kades Jr•

"You sure about this cousin?" I look up at my cousin who is leaned up against the dresser. I glance over my shoulder sharing a look with Khalil causing Taze to start explaining. "Not like that I didn't mean it like that. I know you in love with her but marriage? That's a big step. I mean ain't you scared? You only twenty one-"

"You know what I'm scared of?" I ask staring at myself in the mirror as I smooth out the slight wrinkles in my white suit. "I'm scared of her leaving this Earth without being my wife. I can't live life with any regrets. Whether she gets better or she doesn't, Kimia will always be the woman I want to marry. The only woman I want to."

We're currently at a small chapel. Only people here are close family, my grandparents, aunt and cousin, and Kimia's parents along with Nixlin. When I told her I wanted to marry her I was so serious. And to others it may seem like we're making a huge mistake. But it's what we both want. It's currently Friday, on Monday morning she'll undergo stem cell transplant surgery. While I hold fear in my heart I hardly showed it. I didn't speak of what ifs and didn't talk about what would happen if it didn't work. I spoke highly of our future and how it'd be spent. Within fifteen minutes she'll be my wife.

Khalil walked over placing his hand on my shoulder. "I'm proud of you," the words give me a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. I haven't heard those words from my own father in what feels like forever especially words that didn't come from just football. "You grew up to be a good man, who knows what he wants. I want you to take care of her like I take care of Danielle. Not just physically but mentally, emotionally, offer her stability. Don't fuck this shit up grandson."

"I won't," I promise. "I'm going to do right by her."

And I swore at this very moment that I always will. And soon it she wouldn't just be my girl and the love of my life.

She'll be my wife.

Third Persons POV•

The largest chapel in Louisiana is decorated with white flowers. Instead of each family having their own side the Kades & the David's sat near one another. A long line of family feuding would die in this very moment. Regardless of how anyone felt about the history of Cassia David's & Malik Kades Sr this was the end of all that and the beginning of the future of Kimia David's soon to be Kades & Malik Kades Jr.

Malik stood there nervous sweating bullets while Tazon held one of those old church fans fanning him. "Stop you gone sweat out ya suit." Taze complains.

Malik wasn't nervous because he was having second thoughts. Instead he was nervous hoping his soon to be bride wasn't having any herself. He feared that after buying the rings, her going shopping for a dress, and them finding this chapel that today out of all days the day of that she'd up and wake up with a change of heart.

"Calm down son," Khalil speaks to him. Their all lined up on the pue waiting patiently. Malik stood on one side with Taze behind him and Khalil behind him, while Nixlin stood on the other side wearing her silk blue bridesmaid dress awaiting for her friend. "Promise you this better than our wedding was." He says referring to Danielle.

Their wedding went by beautifully until the end when Danielle's ex who is technically Khalil's nephew came and objected the wedding lying and claiming that him and Dani were having an affair. Which then led to Khalil shooting the nephew (Cash) which then led to Cash's wife who was so scared that her water broke and she'd have a miscarriage. This wedding compared to theirs was a walk in the park. But the Kades are forever known for never having their moments or events go as planned. Khalil just hoped that this one time it went fine.

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