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I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling, my eyes occasionally glancing down at the scene going through comments

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I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling, my eyes occasionally glancing down at the scene going through comments.

"Wow I always thought she was fine and a good example of a young lady. First chance she gets she makes a fool of herself"

"Ew what the hell 🤮 throwing up at a party is not classy"

"Malik is a real one! He should've let her embarrass herself tho she knew better"

"That girl said she stole her boyfriend?? What kind of friend is she? Serves her right"

For the first time in my life I wasn't being praised, wasn't being shown love, and those tabloids were worse than before. Instead of what seemed like slight gossip at first was now full on hate comments. I looked horrible. The pictures, the videos, I mean they have full on videos of me vomiting. I have never been so embarrassed in my life. And talking to my mom didn't make it any better. Each question she asked only caused me to cry even more. Asking me stuff along the lines of "Do you know how this makes you look? Why would you trust them? Why would you drink with total strangers Kimia" and there was nothing I could say. All I could say was how I just wanted to have fun. But that meant nothing now. Fun wouldn't change the fact that I just got embarrassed and a whole hate train is started about me. Memes and all. A moment of fun will cost me who knows how long of embarrassment.

I stood up holding stomach as I walked towards my bathroom slowly. Turning on the shower I stripped from my clothes before climbing in. Sitting down in it I let the water run down my head and my entire body. The hot temperature slowly washing away my emotions and making my hangover feel less bad.

Looking back to last night most of it was a blur. But if there's one thing I can remember it's the confusion, the hurt, and the way I couldn't believe they'd do me like that. I never did anything to Jade, yeah I walked in on her and Malik having sex but I didn't realize she was that upset about it. I shouldn't of danced with Cion. And somehow someway I blamed myself for most of it. Wondering if little things like interrupting someone's sex session and dancing with a girls ex was enough to make someone want to embarrass me that bad. Then I realized that this was their plan from the start. It was a setup. Jade knew me and her weren't off to a good start as it was so she chose to have her cousin and her friend be nice to me and convince me they were my "new friends". And stupidly I did fall for it. If I'm being honest back home I didn't have many homegirls. Didn't have any at all to be really honest. So for a moment I let my guard down and enjoyed a few drinks.

Worst part is I can deal with my reputation being ruined around the world. I can avoid most the world. But college? This is my new home, this was supposed to be my fresh start and my chance to be happy. And now that easily when I leave this dorm room all eyes will be on me. Their already on me and I haven't been out of it since last night.

After showering for what felt like forever, brushing my teeth, and washing my face. I place my hair in a sloppy ponytail and put on my silk robe. As soon as my feet hit outside the bathroom I heard a knock at my door.

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