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•Kimia David's•

I sit on the sand with my legs crossed watching as the waves come in washing over the sand. The moonlight and stars in the sky reflecting on the ocean. In this moment it was so beautiful. All the bad parts of life, the loudness of being in the spotlight, the things people would say. It feels good to be away from all that.

"Kim." I knew the voice right away and was surprised to hear it.

I glanced over my shoulder to see MJ walking over and without an invitation he took a seat beside me. "I don't really want to have a conversation right now if you don't mind." I mumble but say loud enough for him to hear.

I watch as he licks his lips giving me a simple nod. "Good because we not having a conversation. You gone talk and I'm gone listen."

I searched his entire body. It's always been something so attractive about him. Like no matter how much time passed or how angry I was at him there would always be something about me that would draw me to him. I eyed his muscles that were noticeable in his t-shirt, he wore simple basketball shorts and I fought the urge to look down. He sat beside me with a clean lining, freshly brushed waves, moisturized soft looking plump lips, and as they moved I could see his golds on his bottom row of teeth. His dark skin glowed in the moonlight and I forced myself to look away.

His words did cause me to crack a smile though. Then it fell when I remembered what happened earlier. "Overheard her on the phone, for two million she was willing to give me up. Give them proof about me and your history together. Don't worry though she doesn't have any proof." I mumble.

I expected him to worry about himself and how what I said could've ruined his reputation if she did actually have proof but to my surprise that was the least of his worries. "I'm sorry," he says softy. "Fuck her. You deserve better than that."

I drop my head shaking it. "You know what's crazy..." I trail off. "I wasn't upset because I had actually found a mom. I already have one, biological or not I never wanted Navya to play the mom role. It's just," I pause taking a deep breath. "That day when I was crushed, and hurt and went back to my room to pack was the same day I met her. I didn't tell her about us, didn't tell her about my reasoning for leaving. And she was so supportive of that, and I know it sounds silly because we barely knew one another but I appreciated that so much. Because at that time in my life where I was getting so much hate that's what I needed. Support."

He stays quiet just letting me talk and oddly enough the words just seem to flow away. "And she claims she did it for family," I shake my head. "I went through so much in this industry. So much alone, sweat, tears, spending nights upon nights in the studio writing down my deepest emotions just to hear another artist add on a pop beat and strip away all the depth, I did this shit on my own ME," I point at my chest and watch as he nods in agreement. "So I'll be damned if I let that bitch or any other bitch make a dollar let alone two fuckin' million off of my pain."

I stop talking for a second and stare down at my hands fiddling with my fingers. "But then again," I look forward staring at the ocean. "Think deep down I always wanted to prove people I was worth it. I knew I was adopted, and I wanted to prove to Cassia & DC that they made the right choice. So I tried to be known for great things, then I went to college and my reputation got destroyed. They won't admit it but I know I let them down. And I felt as if I let the world down. So I spent so long doing everything I wanted, accomplishing so much. So when I die I can be known as someone great. But deep down I know people will remember the bad regardless."

This time he finally speaks up. "You don't have to prove anything Kim. I mean just think nobody and I mean nobody you know could even come close to achieving as much as you have. Nobody."

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