Chapter 18

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I'm dead. I must be. I've got that feeling where your body feels like it weighs ten times its normal weight but your head feels as light as water. Washing around in your head, round and around and... God I'm going to be sick.

I should never drink. I was never a good at hangovers, well I was never really good at the being drunk part either but I still drank my body weight in alcohol.

"Waa..p" I heard a noise swimming around my head. "Wak..." there it was again. It was more annoying than a fly swarming around your ear.

"Wake Up!" the noise turned suddenly to a high pitched voice I could only ever know as my sisters.

"What?" I mumbled in the pillow.

"Jake it's almost noon and you're still in bed" she pulled the cover off me.

"Don't you have someone else to annoy? Like my best friend maybe"

"I already have and he's even more of a grumpy ass than you are!" she said with an annoyed tone over Connor being moody at her. She could always dish it my sister but never take it. "How much did you both drink, last night anyway?"

"Three times more than we should" I sat on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands. God my head killed, I was getting far too old for this crap.

"Well come on we're going on a hike" she turned to walk out the door. A hike! Was she having a laugh!

"Oh piss off Lilly I'm not hiking anywhere!" I pulled back the covers and laid back down for a second before she was back over pulling them off me again. I was hurting too much to argue.

"Why? It will be fun, there's a treasure hunt planned for the guests"

"Treasure hunt?" That really didn't sound fun right now and why was Lilly excited about it, she hated getting dirty.

"I, its Maggie's way of getting everyone out of the place so she can decorate for tonight's opening ball" Lilly turned to the door again to leave before saying. "Be ready in two minutes or we're leaving without you" That didn't really sound like a threat seeing as I didn't want to go anyway... wait.

"Whose we?" I asked.

"Me, Connor, Jay and Kate" she replied. Kate. I forgot she was the reason I drank so much last night. I was trying to get her out of my head but instead alcohol just placed the annoying woman for a headache... no difference really. The way they were both acting last night made me angrier than a ball seeing red and I think they both knew I was watching.

"I'll be ready in five" I jumped off the bed grabbing some clothes heading to the bathroom.

"Jake" Lilly called me back "What do you think about this Kate girl?"

What did I think of her? I thought 'about' her far too much I thought but I still wasn't truly sure what I thought about her. All I knew was I couldn't trust her as far as I could throw her but Lilly shouldn't know that.

"She seems fine I guess but I don't know her" I replied, why was she asking? Did she know something?

"I, I guess none of us know her that's what I find so strange. Jay never said anything about her before this week away and all a sudden they are a loved up couple. Did you see them last night watching the movie?" she asked.

I, I saw everything they did last night and it made me sick to my stomach for reasons I cared not to know the answers to.

"I, I sure did" I looked away so she could see how angry the subject was making me.

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