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December 17, 2044

The day has come for me and Seiko to get married we've been planning this for months and now the big day has finally came.

"You ready Mari?"

"More than ready pops."

My pops nodded.

"Did you talk or see Seiko?"

"I did she's having a good time your mom and sisters are keeping her in good spirits and Shi was napping."

"Okay I'm glad she's taking a nap because if she don't take one she's going to be grumpy."

"I'm well aware."

Braxton, Raheem and Marcus walked up to me.

"How's the marriage life so far Marcus?"

"Love it."

I nodded.

"Brax and Rah y'all are up next."

"That we are and I'm excited."

"When do we leave for the Bahamas Brax?"

"March 29th we'll be there for a week leading up to the wedding."


I checked the time.

"We have less than an hour left before the wedding starts."

"Is Seiko mom coming?"

"Nope Sei did reach out to her again and she didn't respond and once again that hurt my baby feelings all she want to do is have that bond again with her mama."

"Sometimes it's just best to leave things alone son."

"Yeah you're right about that pops."

I checked the time.

"Alright everyone it's time."

We all walked out of the room and down the hall. The groomsmen went to go meet up with the bridesmaids. Me and Braxton walked to the doors they opened and we walked down the aisle.

The music started playing and the bridal party made their way down the aisle. The song switched to Til Death Do Us Part by Brian Nhira the doors opened and Seiko and her pops made their way down the aisle.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her I wiped my eyes as she walked down the aisle. My baby is fucking beautiful.

"Who gives this woman to this man," the pastor spoke.

"I do," Erick spoke.

He placed Seiko hand in my hand.

"Continue to take care of my baby girl son."

"Always," I spoke.

We shook hands and Erick took his seat next to my pops.

The pastor started talking and I was listening but I wasn't listening I was focused on Seiko and how beautiful she looks. Definitely getting her pregnant tonight.

"Omari and Seiko have written their vows, Seiko you're first."

"I didn't know what true love was until I met you, I though it was just something that happens in the movies or in fairytale books but you showed me different. You have been here for me in many ways. We've had so many things thrown at us but we managed to persevere and overcome it. The love I have for you will never die and I'm ready to continue to spend the rest of my life with you. Thank you for giving me our beautiful baby girl and loving me at my lowest moments. I love you Omari."

"Seiko you were my first for everything, it didn't take me long to fall in love with you I knew that you were the one for me because of your spirit and how the way you carry yourself. We went through something that made us separate but thankfully we were able to come back together and love each other again. I love you with my entire soul I would go to the end of the earth to get you whatever you need no matter what. I love you Seiko."

The pastor said a few more words then he pronounced us husband and wife then we kissed. We walked down the aisle holding hands.

"We did it baby," Seiko spoke.

"That we did beautiful."

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because I'm putting another baby in you tonight."


"I'm serious."

"And so am I."

Seiko pulled me into her and kissed me again. She lucky we gotta reception to go to or I'll just say fuck it and we just leave.

"How much time do we have?"

"About 30 minutes why," I asked.

Seiko didn't say anything she pulled me off to one of the room once inside she locked the door and I immediately untied my tie and took my jacket off.

5 years later
I walked up behind Seiko and I wrapped my arms around her stomach and kissed her neck.

"You're back from the store."

"I am."

"Okay did you get my peaches."

"I did had to go to 3 different stores but I got them."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Hi daddy," my daughter Olivia spoke.

"Hi princess."

Our honeymoon night I got Seiko pregnant this time with twin girls Olivia and Orianna they'll be 5 soon Shiloh just turned 6 and now we're about to have twin boys.

"Daddy did you get us some ice cream," Shiloh spoke as she walked over to me.

"You know I did baby girl where's Ori."



Shiloh ran over to the diving board she climbed up the steps and walked towards the edge.

"Be careful Shi."

"I can swim mommy and okay."

We watched as Shiloh jumped off the diving board and into the pool.

"Let me go make sure Ori isn't messing with my peaches."


"Daddy you're not getting in?"

"Nah baby daddy is about to cook."

"Ooouu you grilling?"


Shiloh nodded.

"Shi can you teach me how to go under the water."


Shiloh looked back at me and I nodded at her and she nodded back.

Shiloh is a great big sister always helping the twins out when they need something, she's quiet, sweet and very observant just like Seiko. Olivia and Orianna takes after me with their personalities and if they don't like something they will let it be known. Overall they don't fight each other and always try to compromise when they have a disagreement and if they can't they'll come to me or Seiko and we'll help them out.

Seiko and Orianna walked over to me Seiko sat in my lap while Orianna ran to get in the pool with her sisters. I placed my hands on Seiko stomach as we watched the kids swim around. The family should be coming over soon to chill and hang with us.

Soul Ties | Sequel to Love At LastWhere stories live. Discover now