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I looked at Seiko phone then at her and she had tears in her eyes.

"What do you think we should do?"

"Let's go meet her and see what she's talking about?"

Seiko nodded I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. She walked out of the kitchen I turned everything off and covered it all up I washed and dried my hands and walked into the foyer waiting on Seiko she came downstairs wiping her eyes.

"If this is true we're suing everyone that was involved and locking their asses up."

"I agree with you baby."

I led her out of the house I closed and locked the door then over to my car we got in. I started up my car and Seiko put the address in that the woman gave us.

About an hour later we pulled up to the house I got out and I helped Seiko out I closed the door and locked them we walked up to the house. I rung the doorbell seconds later a woman appeared she stepped aside and let us. She led us into the kitchen we sat down where she had papers in files.

"I have a lot of explaining to do about my daughter."

"Who's your daughter?"

"Ritney Wright."

"Wait a minute nurse Wright she was my nurse when Nadi shift was over."

Mrs. Wright nodded.

"She also falsified your papers about your miscarriage as well as setting you up to get raped along with Peyton."

"What the fuck," I spoke.

"I know it all seem crazy but it's the truth I have documentations as well as recordings of Ritney admitting to everything before she was arrested."

"You my dear were further along than 5 weeks."

Mrs. Wright passed us over the first file Seiko opened them and we both looked at the papers the fake one and the real one.

"So I was 18 weeks I miscarried?"

"That's the thing you didn't miscarry sweetheart before nurse Beckham even came and told you what happened you gave birth prematurely."

"How if I was unconscious?"

Mrs. Wright grabbed her cellphone and played an audio of her daughter.

"Are you trying to tell me that my sister nurse Nadirah Beckham is in on this?"

"No I'm not nurse Beckham didn't have clue that Ritney and Roman did this because of the false information she was given."

"Ritney kidnapped your baby and made it seem like that the baby was found by her which is how the baby got treated and survived the NICU."

"Are you being for real?"

"I am Seiko."

Mrs. Wright passed us the correct papers and Seiko started crying I rubbed her back.

"I was pregnant with a girl I have a daughter," she spoke.

"You do you both do."

"She's 4 months now and deserve to be with her real parents you two can name her and get her birth certificate along with her social changed."

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