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*** Yall go check out my fave TanonTales new book Plus One

My class has ended and I'm on my way Afro American Studies class when I was stopped by a few my frats.

"Yo Mari you attending Stacey party tonight."

"Nah Dean I got a date with my girl tonight."

"Alright y'all enjoy."

"We will."

I continued with walking until I was stopped again but this time by my best friend.

"Wassup Mari you sliding to Stacey party tonight?"

"Nah bruh I got a date with my girl."

"I hope you and Sei got back together."

"We did."

"About damn time now Meria can leave me alone about y'all two."


"You think we got a pop quiz today?"

"You never know with Professor Graham."


"You know we'll be graduating soon you still going to be a professor?"

"Absolutely you know that hasn't changed."

"Just making sure cause ion wanna be a professor by myself."


We saw Seiko and Ameria walking and laughing but our view was blocked my Stacey and her crew.

"Mari you coming to my party tonight?"


Stacey pouted.

"Why not?"

"I got plans."

"Can't you cancel them for me," she spoke as she rubbed down my chest.

I already know that Seiko and Ameria are watching and they should be making their way over soon.


"Everyone knows that you and Seiko aren't together anymore and Peyton isn't here and your family can always see you another time," she spoke as she batted her eyelashes.

"You're right Stacey we wasn't together but that was then and this is now and like my baby says he has plans tonight," Seiko spoke up.

"Seiko hi."

"Girl drop the fake shit you still upset that Mari chose me over you."

Stacey rolled her eyes.

"I don't see what he sees in you."

"My body is natural yours isn't I don't have to make myself look a certain way to get guys to notice me I'm beautiful just the way that I am and Omari loves me for how I am."

"Say that shit baby," I cheesed as I wrapped my arm around her and kissed the side of her face.

"Ugh whatever."

Stacey and her crew stormed off and we all laughed.

"You know she's still pissed because you chose Seiko over her."

"And I'll do it over and over again."

We continued on with walking to class.

"So when's the wedding?"

"Damn Meria we haven't been together that long plus we're still in college too so it'll probably me after we're both settled into our careers."

Meria nodded and Aaron looked at me he's the only that knows that I'm planning on proposing on graduation night out of the 4 of us. Of course Mr. Martin know I had to get his blessing.

We walked into building and walked down the hall then walked into our class room I kissed Seiko as she went to her seat and I sat next to Aaron. About 15 minutes later Professor Graham walked in and got started with class.

I walked over to Brielle and we hugged then I sat down and picked up the menu going over it.

"Did you deliver any babies yet?"

"I have."

I nodded.

"Hopefully we won't get paged."


The last time me and Brielle had lunch our lunch ended up being cut short because we both had got paged to the hospital. The waiter came and we placed our orders.

"Liyah did you think we'd be where we are today?"

"Honestly I didn't as far as our love life goes I thought I would never find a guy as caring as Shawn but I did and I honestly thought that I wouldn't get Zhavi back. God works in mysterious ways and I'm grateful to have Shawn in my life as well as Zhavi."

"O definitely made me do a 360° with my life I was just existing I wasn't living but then he came along and I started living and having fun he showed me things I thought no guy would ever want to show me because I was saving myself then he came along and showed me that me saving myself was worth it."


It was silent for a few seconds the Taliyah spoke again.

"Do you have any regrets Bri?"

"I do I wouldn't have let my real mom get inside of my head and my suicide attempts would've never happened."

I nodded in understanding.

"How you been since the passing of your dad?"

"I have my moments you know that man was literally my best friend outside of the kids and O but I know he's happy with everything I've accomplished."

"He is."

"I just wished I had more time with him ya'know."

"I do."

A two years after Brielle's father passed my dad passed and we both haven't been right since then a piece of us is missing because they're no longer here.

"Sometimes I feel like I could've done more for him."

"Don't do that Bri you did everything you could for Mr. Calvin he had a heart attack and you doing CPR on him got him to the hospital but he also had an aortic dissection that the doctors tried to fix but he passed on the table."

Brielle dabbed under eyes.

"I guess my mom was waiting on him and she went ahead and called him home."

I nodded.

"80 years Mr. Calvin been on this Earth giving nothing but wisdom to everyone and making sure we all was good he did his job Bri he raised you and raised you well he got to see his grandkids grow up."

"You're right about that he just didn't see Mari graduate and I know that's going to hurt him when it finally settle in that his papa won't be at his graduation like he was for Brae, Brax, and Nadi."

"You're right about that."

Before we could finish our conversation both of our pagers went off we sighed and called the waiter over to get to go containers. We had the containers I paid the bill and we hopped in our cars and rushed off to the hospital.

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