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2 Weeks later----September 29, 2044

Lately I have been so tired and exhausted for some odd reason and I'm a couple days late with my period I do have an appointment with my mama in an hour so I can see what's going on with my body. I yawned as I finished up responding to this email there was a knock at my door then it opened.

"Hey baby you're ready to go?"

"Yeah I'm finishing up with this email and then I'll be ready."

Raheem nodded I pressed send then I stood up grabbed my phone, keys and my purse then we walked out of my office I closed and locked the door behind me then we made our way down the hall I let out another yawn and sighed.

"Are you okay baby?"

"No not really lately I've been tired and exhausted plus I'm a couple days late but it's probably due to stress."

"Or you could be pregnant?"

"That too I have no idea which is why we're heading to my mama office so she can tell us."

"Stopping to get food right?"


"Anything specific you want to get?"

"No but I don't want McDonalds."


My phone dinged I looked down seeing that Nadirah had sent me a message reminding me about my appointment I responded back to her letting her know that we'll be on our way after we get something to eat. I glanced up and noticed that we was in Popeyes drive thru I told Raheem what I wanted and I went back to texting Nadirah.

After getting our food and drinks Raheem sat the drinks in the cup holders and passed me the bag I got my food out and got started with eating. If I am pregnant I know that Raheem is going to be happy that I am and so am I because I'm ready to have my own family. After dealing with an asshole and being in an abusive relationship I've found somebody who loves me and spoils me and I am happy and at peace with my life.

We arrived at my mama office Raheem parked and got out I grabbed my purse and took my seatbelt off Raheem opened the door and I got out we walked up to the building and Raheem opened the door for me I thanked him and walked in. I walked up to the reception desk and signed in I walked over to Raheem and sat down waiting on my name to be called.

"Braelyn Beckham," Nadirah called out.

Raheem and I stood up and walked through the door I handed him my purse while I get weighed then get my vitals checked.

"What brings you in today?"

"I have been tired and exhausted lately and I'm a few days late with my period."

"More like a month late," Raheem spoke.

Nadirah nodded.

"I did take a pregnancy test about a month ago and it came back negative."

"Okay so if you are pregnant that means that you took the pregnancy test early and your HGC levels wasn't high enough yet."

Nadirah did a pregnancy test then she did also checked my urine for anything abnormal.

"Okay your urine is normal and so is your blood pressure let's get you guys in a room."

We stood up and followed Nadriah to one of the rooms she told me to remove my bottoms and she'll be back in. She stepped out of the room and I removed my sweats and panties I grabbed the paper cover-up and placed it over my legs. Seconds later there was a knock at the door and Nidrah walked in she put my information in the ultrasound computer.

"Okay so I am going to do a transvaginal ultrasound."

"Wait I thought mama was going to do this," I asked.

"She was but she had to rush to the hospital for one of her patients don't worry big sis I know what I am doing."


"When was your last menstrual cycle?"

"August 26th."

Nadirah nodded and put what I said in.

"Alright congratulations sis you're 5 weeks pregnant your due date is June 2, 2045 now let's see the baby. Bend your legs back and place them in the stirips and scoot to the end of the table."

I did what Nadirah said she prepped the vaginal transducer and got started on the ultrasound.

"Okay and here is the baby wait correction babies I know you can't tell that their babies but they are right now they're small and look like little tadpoles."

I nodded and kept my eyes on the screen watching Nadriah take pictures. Then she looked around my uterus making sure everything was good with my uterus.

"Wait a minute did you say twins," Raheem spoke.

"I did."

Nadirah finished up the ultrasounds then she printed them off. She then went over everything with us I can't belive that I'm pregnant with twins at that. I knew that eventually either one of us was going to have twins.

"I want to see you back in 3 weeks you'll be 8 weeks then and we'll be able to hear the babies heartbeats."


"Take it easy don't lift anything heavy and if there's any changes don't hesitate to call me or mama."


Nadriah cleaned off the instruments after she removed her gloves then she washed and dried her hands we hugged then me and Raheem walked out of the room and back through the door I got my next appointment card from the recepitionist then we walked out of the building and over to the car and got in. Raheem looked over at me and placed his hands on my stomach.


I nodded.

"How do you feel baby," he asked.

"Good still tired but good I knew that either me or siblings was going to have twins since my mama had twins and I am a twin myself."


I let out a yawn as Raheem started up the car I adjusted the seat.

"Get some rest baby we'll talk more once we get home."


Raheem leaned over and kissed me then I slowly closed my eyes letting sleep consume me. Twins I'm really having twins honestly I don't care what the genders are going to be as long as my babies are healthy that's all that matters to me.

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