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I walked into the house going into the kitchen I grabbed a bottle of water and made my way upstairs to my room. I walked in seeing clothes everywhere I furrowed my eyebrows I walked into the closet seeing Seiko organizing clothes with someone else.

"Hey baby."

"Hey baby."

She rushed over to me and we hugged I gave her a kiss.

"I thought you was going to wait on me to help you move in."

"I was but my best friend came over and she decided to give me a hand plus I gave her my furniture since I'm not going to need it."

"Oh okay."

"Is this all of your clothes?"

"Yeah plus we organized your side of the closet as well you gotta do better babe."

"Trust me I will."

"Y'all hungry?"

"Yeah you cooking?"

"Of course I am."

"I have chicken wings taken out so you can cook those."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Oh and next time order me something from Amazon too."

"How you know I ordered something from Amazon?"

"Because I know my girl."

She nodded I gave her a kiss and walked out of the closet and the room heading downstairs before I could even get to the kitchen the doorbell rung I walked over to the door and opened it.

"Wassup Mari."

"Wassup Kaleb."

I stepped aside and let him in.

"What you in here doing?"

"Bout to cook some chicken wings."

"Oh shit I'm just in time."

"Where you coming from?"

"Man you don't even want to know."

"You still messing with Sophie crazy ass."

"Not anymore she's messing with Bryom ass now so that's his problem."

"I feel you."

"Where Seiko."

"She's upstairs with Destin."

"Who's Destin?"

"Her best friend."

"She is she fine and don't tell me that you haven't noticed either."

"Yeah but I have eyes for Seiko."

"I can't believe you two are back together."

"I can and speaking of where my $500 at."

Kaleb smacked his teeth and went in his wallet and pulled out $500 and handed it to me.

"One more question."


"Is Destin single and so can you put me on?"

"You better put your own self on if I had to do it to get Seiko you gotta do it too plus you can't be a hoe and be with Destin she's like Seiko she wants a one woman man who's ready to commit."

"Okay and I'm that."

I looked at Kaleb.

"Okay I'm that now after fucking around and being a hoe for so long I realized that's not what I want plus your parents are the ideal couple goals."

Soul Ties | Sequel to Love At LastWhere stories live. Discover now