Chapter Two - The Escape

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Just thought I'd drop this by :P I know slow chapters, I'm doing my best okay guys? hope you like this.

Vote, Comm, Enjoy :D



I shrieked as the drug started showing its effects. It felt like my blood was fire, burning me from the inside. Tears rolled down my face as I sobbed.

"Damn it" One of the men said as he kicked a chair. "It's not supposed to cause her pain, it's supposed to paralyze her from the neck down. Why aren't these drugs working"

"Well it's hard to know what affects there body. We know about Lycotine but that's a temporary loss of their animal, so we're working with that and adding other chemicals." Another man said "For now we can't do anything to her while the drug is in her system so we have to start again tomorrow"

They talked a bit more but I in too much pain to even understand what they were saying. Soon I heard the gate of my cell close. I kept writhing in pain, wondering when it would stop.

"Celena" I heard Brett's voice exclaim as the gates opened. I was lifted from the floor as I cried "God damn it I shouldn't have went out. I'm so sorry, it was my turn to take watch. I'm so sorry, Celena." He sat me up and stood up, going out to the medicine table outside my cell "What did they use on you this time?" I heard shuffling "Turmanine, fucking assholes. Okay, this should take away the pain." 

He walked up to me and looked at me apologetically "I know you hate needles, but the pain won't go away for hours if I don't give you this, okay little lamb?"

I nodded and winced at the pain as he injected the medicine in me but in that instant I felt a cool wave take over my body as the burning stopped.

"I talked to Uncle Dan, okay? We're going to escape tonight." he said as he pulled me up and sat me on his lap on the floor "Now remember what I told you to do if I get held back right?"

"Go to the place you told me about and wait in the cave." I said in a small voice as I buried my face in his chest "But you will be with me right?"

"Of course I will, little lamb" he said as tilted my chin to make me look at him "That's just a precaution, I will try my best to take you there but if I get held back. Go to the cave and wait for me, if I don't come in a two weeks, it means you have to go on without me, okay? Don't argue." he said when I opened my mouth to talk "Now all the stuff you would need to go on without me is in your backpack" 

My eyes immediately flickered to the wall beside us. The fifth brick to the right; Brett had made a hold where I could hide all the stuff he brought me so I wouldn't be alone when he couldn't be with me.

"Uncle Dan?" I asked knowing he'd know what I meant. Brett sighed

"he says he'll stay here, they're going to follow us, he thinks he can help lead them away." His head snapped to the door at the sound of footprints. "I have to go, see you tonight" he kissed my cheek and left, closing the cage door behind him.

When it was finally dark enough and all the hunters, except the ones on patrol. I was sitting next to the brick so I could take it out and get my bag as soon as Brett comes.

I was scared, I had never seen the outside except from my cell window and all I really ever saw was trees and the moon at night. But I knew about it, Brett taught me almost everything. He told me about how people dress and what kinds of food are out there and the beautiful flowers. He told me a lot of things so that I wouldn't give up when times got hard because he would get me out.

"Celena" Brett whispered and I immediately went and pulled the brick out, grabbing the backpack inside. It was dusty but I didn't care as I put it on. Brett threw me some shoes since I was never allowed to wear them. I only ever wore the same old, smelly pants and shirt.

Brett pulled me to him as I got out of my cell and kissed my forehead. "Don't be scared, alright? We're going to make it"

I nodded and Brett led me up the stairs, I almost squealed with delight. I never had the chance to get out of the basement. We snuck to the back door where Uncle Dan was stationed.

"Hey" He said as soon as we got to him "Okay you have a bit of time before they come on to us so go."

I looked up at him sadly "What about you?" I said in a small voice

"I'll stay here, Celena. So I could try and help anyone they catch. I'll see you again. Don't worry." Suddenly his head snapped up "Damn it, They're here early. Brett, take her and go. Now!"

Brett took my hand and we started to run through the forest. It was clear someone had seen my cell empty, hopefully they wouldn't suspect Uncle Dan.

"Damn it" Brett said as he looked behind him "They're catching onto us, we won't make it like this" he looked at me in silence for a while and then nodded to himself "I'll give them something to track" he stopped and looked at me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Listen, Celena. They'll catch us like this. I'm going to have to lead them away, I'll make them follow false tracks."

"N-no" I started to object but he interrupted me

"It's the only way. Now stick to the plan, okay? Just what we talked about. I'll come get you, I promise" My eyes watered and I nodded. He smiled to me and kissed my forehead before hugging me. "I'll see you later, little lamb. Okay? I love you"

"I love you too" 

he turned around and ran and I immediately continued running where we were first headed, grateful Brett helped me memorize the maps he'd made me of the area. It was hard considering I had never been out but Brett had taught me well.

It took me hours and by the time I stumbled into the cave that was so well hidden I wouldn't have found it had Brett not told me where to look. I was exhausted, I had went from being locked up in a cell, never going outside, to running for my life. I was covered in dirt and sweat and all I wanted to do was rest. I lost track of the hunters a long time ago, or at least I thought so because I hadn't even heard a sound for about three hours.

I looked around the cave hesitantly and smiled, there were two long fabrics on the floor and I thought back to what Brett had told me he put in the cave, he called them sleeping bags, I'd never seen one up close. There were also some clothes folded up on a rock. I also found food hidden exactly where he told me they'd be, food that wouldn't spoil if kept outside. I just hoped Brett would find me soon, I yawned as I opened the sleeping bag and crawled into it, exactly like Brett had told me to. As soon as I laid my head down, I was asleep.

 I woke up and it was really dark but suddenly I heard a voice. I immediately sat up, wanting to call our Brett's name to see if it was him but too scared of it not being him and leading people to me. It took a moment before I registered the sound was coming from inside the cave, I stood grabbing the flashlight that was in the backpack and walked slowly to where the sound was coming from. As soon as I flashed the light on it something jumped up and I let out a scream. I fell back and looked again only to see an animal running away. I tried to remember its name from what I saw of it. The title in the animal book Brett showed me flashed in my mind, a raccoon.

I stood up and walked to where the raccoon was and gasped, it had been rummaging through my food, everythng was nearly destroyed. I searched through the multiple food only to find one usable can of peaches. I wanted to cry, what was I suppose to do now? And what would I do if Brett never showed up?

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