*Nat x y/n

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WARNINGS: Bullying, Name calling, involuntary (public) regression, breastfeeding 

REQUEST: Y/n has she/her pronouns and her little age is 0-2 years. She regresses at school when others call her bad names. She wears pull-ups (and may breastfeed)

PRONOUNS: she/her

LITTLE AGE: 0-2 years

LITTLE TRATES: uses pull-ups, breastfed by caregiver (Nat)

NICKNAMES: darling, poppet


Holding back tears is hard for anyone, but when your slowly loosing you grip on you adult mind, holding back tears becomes 100 times harder. 

As you are slowly loosing the battle in your brain, the name calling doesn't stop. 
Your only saving grace now was the blaring bell that just called. 

Everyone had now vanished from the hallway, leaving you to curl up in a ball on the floor with a wet pull up and a heart aching for your mummy.

With what big brain you had left you pulled out your phone and pressed the buttons to call for Nat. 
As soon as the ringing stopped and you knew she'd picked up, you spoke first, not letting her get a word in. 
y/n:" Mummy get me"
N:" Mummy's coming poppet, you go to the office"

Nat was on her way, in her mind she was running over every possible reason for you to be reacting like this. 
You hadn't said you were feeling poorly, maybe you'd got sick at school?
Were you hurt? 
Who had hurt you?
Maybe you weren't hurt? 

Nat had no idea, but as these thoughts continued she pulled into the car park and headed straight for the office. 
When she got there the nice office lady had already signed you out so Nat could just take you home. 

Nat took your hand and lead you out of the door. 
Once through the door and away from anyone else Nat stopped and cupped your face.
She lifted your face up so she could see you.
N:" What happened darling?"
y/n:" There s mean people"
Nat wiped your tears with her thumb

N:" And what did these mean people do?"
y/n:" They was callin' me meanie names an it made me sad"
N:" Oh darling, lets get you home"

She took your hand again, deciding now was not a good time to make the principle pull up the people that upset you and talk to them - she would have to do that later. 

You both got to the car and Nat opened your door and helped you in, when you sat down you pulled a face. 
Nat smiled slightly, knowing what that face was about. 
N:" I'll change you when we get home, it will just be 5 minutes"

She then buckled you in, closed the door and moved around the car to get into her seat. 

Before you knew it you were pulling into the drive way, Nat helped you out of the car and held your hand all the way to the door. 
When you got inside she lead you up to the bathroom where there was a changing mat for you. 
She layed you down and changed you quickly, not making any fuss. 

Now you were in a nice dry pull-up, Nat moved to changing you out of your uniform and into some comfier clothes. 
These consisted of one of Nat's big shirts that she 'borrowed' of Clint one time, and some fluffy socks - the shirt was big enough that there was no need for pants. 

She lead you down to the living room and sat on the couch, pulling you onto her lap letting you make yourself comfortable. 
Once you were settled Nat put on a movie and rocked you gently. 

A little while into the movie you started tugging on Nat's shirt
N:" You alright poppet?"
y/n:" nummies"
N:" One second"

Nat shuffled you around so that she could feed you and readied herself. 
She helped you latch on and continued to watch her movie as you fed, knowing you only asked for this when you were feeling very little or upset. 

A/N: 4!!! Do you think I can get 5 chapters out before midnight? its 10:49 pm

Also complete side note but for some reason I can just always imagine that Nat has a hoard of clothes that she's 'borrowed' from the team and just never gave back. Like she'd always have an excuse for needing them and just never give them back. 

Anyway, this chapter was a little different for my normal. I don't know if I'll do requests including this kind of feeding in the future but it was definitely an experience to write. 

Let me know what you think? 


(745 words)

Agere y/n x AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now