*Wanda & (y/n x Nat)

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WARNINGS: mention of y/n being in a bad mental place 

REQUEST: Y/n has 2 caregivers, Wanda their friend and Nat their Girlfriend. Y/n usually regresses when they're stressed or in a bad place mentally. So big y/n is struggling and tells them so they help them. 

PRONOUNS: They/them

NICKNAMES: Little one, tiny, darling, kid/do(1) 

- Quick side note Tony's your dad ( you choose adopted, real, just father figure - doesn't matter but you call him dad ) 


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You'd been struggling for a while with your head feeling fuzzy and bad thoughts and as much as you tried to carry on as normal and be big, you could only get so far. 
You knew Nat and Wanda were very busy sorting out missions and reports but you really needed them right now. 
Blinking away the tears as you tried to hold onto your big headspace long enough to ask for them with everyone else around, you got up and walked down to the meeting rooms where you knew they would be. 

You stood at the door letting Jarvis announce your presence, when the door opened you walked in
T:" Everything alright kiddo?"
You let out a small nod 
y/n:" Can Wanda come wif me?" 
You hoped no one would catch the little slip up of the word, but you don't think anyone did when you looked around - that was until you caught eyes on your caregivers who were both sharing a look with each other. 
T:" Umm, sure Kid"
He didn't really ask questions, he knew you got overwhelmed sometimes and needed help calming down, he just assumed that was what was going on and didn't want to embarrass you in-front of everyone else. 

Wanda got up and led you out of the room and back upstairs to your room
W:" Is everything okay little one?" 
You just turned to her and shook your head 'no' 
W:" Oh darling, did everything get too much?" 
You nodded and held out your arms doing grabby hands for her, she let out a little 'awww' and moved to hold you tight. 
Wanda moved away from the cuddle which made you whine 
W:" Oh my, do I have a very little one today? Are they very tiny? Because I think they are"
She picked you up and moved to sit down on your bed together, knowing if you were this little cuddles was mostly what you would want. 

She put on some cartoons for background noise and layed you to the side you her.
A while had passed and you started shuffling and whining
W:" What's wrong darling? Do you need a wee?"
She just assumed with the shuffling and the fact you were so little that you needed the bathroom and picked you up, you actually wanted Nat so when she moved you it made you sad but her words of kindness made it all so much better. 
When she took you to that bathroom, much to your surprise, you actually went - so she washed your hands and took you back to bed. 

When you got settled back in bed you heard the door open
N:" Hey tiny" 
You waved at her, showing your age
She instantly came and cuddled next to you
N:" Awww, did I miss out on a bunch of cuddles?" 

A/N: A very cuddly chapter, makes me wan cuddles :( - maybe one day 

I hope everyone is alright, remember you are amazing - inside and out!


Agere y/n x AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now