*Little Buck x Sam

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REQUEST: could you please write a little Bucky and Sam chapter. In it could Bucky not be sleeping and he slowly slips through the day as he gets more and more tired, Sam cuddles up with him and helps him sleep. 


NICKNAMES: For Sam: Sammy. For Bucky: Buck, James, buddy. 



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There had been many nights since Steve left that Sam would wake up and almost stand on Bucky. 
Though it did make Sam smile that Bucky felt safe enough to sleep on his floor, he knew Bucky falling back into his old habits from when he was on the run weren't good. 

Sam sat with his legs dangling off the bed, watching Bucky's soft movements for a little while, he knew the second his feet touched the ground Bucky would startle awake. 
He sighed and stood up, as expected Bucky jolted awake, frantically looking around the room for signs of danger. 
S:" You're safe Buck"

Bucky looked up at Sam and sighed, he layed back on the pillow he brought through in the night and covered his face with his hands. 
S:" The next time you come sleep in my room why don't you just get into bed?"
B:" Cuz I don wanna wake you"
Sam smiled down and the pillow muffled, sleepy voice coming from Bucky. 

S:" I don't mind if you wake me Buck, I just want to know you're okay"
Bucky just looked towards Sam, not knowing how to reply. 
When they made eye contact Sam gave Bucky a little smile and got out of bed fully, he grabbed some fresh clothes and moved to the bathroom to change. 

Before he closed the door he turned back to Bucky. 
S:" I'm going to shower, you can wait here if you like or you can go downstairs but Sarah and the kids will probably be up"
B:" I'll just stay here"
S:" Okay. Well I'll be out in about 20"

Sam closed the door, not locking it in case Bucky needed him. 
Though it was never spoken about, Sam knew about Bucky's childish antics, he wasn't just good with children - he enjoyed playing with them, being about to act like one of them and not be judged because he's just 'playing along with the children'.
Not that Sam cared though, he would do anything for Bucky and plus he thought it was cute. 

About 10 minutes into his shower he heard the bathroom door creak open. 
He peeked his head around the patterned shower curtain and saw Bucky lifting himself onto the storage draws as he normally did. 
S:" You alright Buck?"
B:" Yep, just lonely"
S:" Alright, do you want to talk to me?"

B:" Umm I just sit here?"
Sam inwardly cooed, his babyish voice slipped through again - it didn't happen often but when it did Sam melted inside. 
S:" Of course buddy, I'll be done soon, alright?"


When Sam stepped out of the shower he was instantly handed his towel, he smiled and wrapped it around himself. 
S:" Thanks Buck, I'm gonna get dressed now okay?"
Bucky nodded and covered his eyes like always, Sam smiled and quickly got to work drying himself and changing. 
S:" Alright I'm done Buck, you can look now"

Agere y/n x AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now