Little Bucky x Reader x Steve

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WARNINGS: polyamory but none other than that and I don't even think that needs to be a warning, just that you can pick Bucky up so like you're a super solider like them or just super strong - whichever you like

                                                     ^that tiktok


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You and Steve had to go away for a while on a mission, you'd tried so hard to get Fury to switch just one of you out so Bucky wasn't left alone but he wasn't having it saying 'he's old enough to look after himself, he's like the oldest one here'. 
The thing was maybe biologically Bucky was was the oldest once there but sometimes he slipped into the headspace of a 2 to 3 year old. 

You guys had left Bucky with some rules which to be fair you knew he wouldn't follow, they were something like 
1. have a bath or shower every other day
2. do the laundry once a week
3. bedtime at 8 
4. no sweeties before bed
5. brush your teeth
6. clean up after yourself
7. 3 meals a day
8. no using sharp things like scissors or your knives
9. always clean your paci before your use it or if you drop it 
and so on, obviously these rules only applied when he was little but you both knew Bucky sometimes liked having everything written down incase he forgot something again. 

You had been gone about 3 days at this point and Bucky missed you and Steve very much so be made a plan, he was going to make a den. 
He grabbed his favourite teddy bear and popped a paci in his mouth then tiptoed his way to your room, taking the blankets and trying to take the pillows but soon realising he'd have too come back for them. 
He dragged the blankets to his room, tripping on them slightly every now and then, he dumped everything in his arms on the floor, he quickly realised his mistake of dropping his teddy and picked it up very quickly mumbling a soft sorry into it as he cuddled the soft fur. 

He then turned around and went to Steve's room for his blankets, after doing the exact same with dumping them on the ground, but this time remembering to keeping a tight hold of his teddy he went back to Steve's room for the pillows. 
He then made his way to your room for the pillows, as he was grabbing then a box of fairy lights caught his eye. 
They looked so pretty he took the box, balancing it on top of everything else he was carrying back to his room. 
This time instead of dropping everything on the floor he dropped onto to floor making a w shape with his legs as he concentrated very hard on trying to get into the fairy light box.

He did a little wiggly dance when he managed to open the box, he put them to one side and got to making his den. 
He picked up his paci that he's dropped at some point and popped it back in his mouth shrugging his shoulders. 
He picked up blanket after blanket laying them on the ground behind the couch and using the cloths dryer to lay the blankets over, he put the pillows in place and made it all snuggy and safe. 
Once Bucky was happy with his little den he came back out and got the box of lights. 

He picked them out while he was kneeling on the ground and gasped as he turned them on, his eyes sparkled with the light as well as the childish gleam. 
He tried to unwrap them but sort of tangled himself up, he put his arms in the air and looked at each of his hands and the tangled mass between his fingers. 
After he huffed and shook them off his hands he crawled with them to his den and messily put them up in there strings all around.
He sat in the middle, holding his teddy, with a paci in his mouth and smiled - he was happy with his little den and he was more happy with his little self for making it! 

 So that's where he went whenever he wasn't sat out in the common room with everyone else in big space, he was in his little den behind the couch. 
He was very proud of his little den, big or small, when he was big he would go in to calm himself down from nightmares, surrounding himself with both his partners things and the small, dim lit space helped his mind relax and it helped his little side from being away from you guys for so long. 

When you and Steve got back you walked straight up to your floor, telling Fury you'd be down for the mission briefing soon. 
You rushed up to your floor, both of you missing Bucky but also scared to see the state he was in. 
As you walked in through the door Steve shouted 
S:" Hey Buck, we're back!" 
You both looked at each other as you heard a little giggle, then looked to where it was coming from. 

In-front of you was the cutest sight you'd ever seen. 
Bucky was all wrapped up in a blankey with his paci hanging out of his mouth, his head was tilted slightly to the side and he had a huge smile on his face. 
Steve, although he acted like a big tough guy was the biggest softy and with teary eyes he rushed over to Bucky, he swooped him up in his arms making him giggle again 
S:" Hey big guy, I've missed you" 
You walked forward joining the cuddle, just enjoying having Bucky back in your arms. 

It was now bed time and you'd done the mission report for Fury and were taking Bucky upto bed, when you got there you noticed the lack of sheets, presuming he was either changing them or had just had an accident you moved onto Steve's room. 
You walked through the door and noticed the same, no sheets, no pillows, nothing - confused you just went to your room but went you walked through the door you once again were met with a stripped bed. 
You sighed and put Bucky down, knowing he had to have done something, it couldn't have been anyone else. 

y/n:" Bucky, baby, can you tell me where our beds are gone?" 
He looked up at you with big eyes before nodding and walking off, you just followed him as he waddled down the hall and straight into Steve
S:" Where are you going Mr?"
He looked at Bucky but his only response was him turning to look at you
y/n:" He's taking us to our beds" 
Steve gave a confused look but put him down to let him continue walking, he walked ahead of you guys straight to his den and got in, he turned on the switch of the little light box, smiling when the lights flickered on. 

He looked around his den then looked at you and Steve 
S:" Is that all our bed stuff?"
Bucky with the biggest smile on his face nodded his head proudly 
S:" Why did you do it?" 
Bucky tilted his head to the side and pouted did Stevie not like his den, he looked around his den and then back at Steve . 
B:" Pretty" 

A/N: I love love love fairy lights! they so twinkly and pretty and I like them lot 

How is everyone? I'm going back to school soon so I'm not doing so good, but I hope you guys are doing real good, remember to drink some juice and have a snack - It will all be alright 


(1327 words) 

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