*Loki & Reader

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WARNINGS: Loki farther figure, struggles with self esteem, frustration

REQUEST: The reader is dyslexic and having self-esteem issues, Loki is their farther figure

PRONOUNS: he/they

NICKNAMES: pet, kiddo

Reading never was your strong suite at school, neither English or writing subject really.
Just the thought of it frustrated you, all the words in your head seemed to jumble when you tried to write them down or say them out loud and nothing made sense when you read it back.

You felt like no one understood you.
You were sat in your room, hands with a tight grip in your hair, you were near tears reading the same sentence over and over trying to make sense of it.
Just as you were at breaking point you heard a knock on your door.
y/n:" C'min"
L:" Hey Kiddo, how's your school work going?"

You looked down at you school work
y/n:" Umm, o-okay"
L:" You sure? Do you need a hand with anything?"
y/n:" No, but I do have a question for you"
L:" Yeah, anything kiddo. Ask away"
y/n:" When you read... does all the words, like move?"

L:" Um, no they don't kiddo-"
Loki took a seat next to you at your desk.
L:" That's something called dyslexia, when you read all the words move around and you sometimes spell things wrongs and mess up your reading and speaking"
y/n:" Oh, is-is it bad?"
L:" No, not at all Pet, we can get you tested to see if you have it or not. And if you do then I can help you, and if you dont- well I can still help you"

Loki gave you a comforting smile, knowing you needed reassurance when you felt down.
L:" How about we stop working for the night and we can cuddle on the couch and watch movies? Sound good?"
You gave him a sma nod as he leant forward, signaling you to get on his back for a piggy back ride down to the common room.

A/N: this is a real short on, I'm really sorry. There's a lot going on right now and I'm writing this on my phone so let my know if there's any mistakes.

My dad's currently getting screened for cancer so I'm really not in a good mood

Agere y/n x AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now