Daddy Stevie x Little Buck

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WARNINGS: Cuteness! - All warnings will be below each picture in bold, please read them before proceeding with that bit. But most of these are fluff! - THIS IS A BIG CHAPTER, PRAPERE YOURSEVES! 

REQUEST: There was a request (actually more like 5 or 6 requests) for more little Bucky chapters but I have been writing this for ages and started it before the requests came out. 


NICKNAMES: For Steve: Stevie, Daddy/Dada. And for Bucky: Buck, Doll, baby boy, buddy, darl/ing, kiddo


A/N: Just a quick thingy: I found all of these images on Pinterest, I do not own the rights to any of them, if one by any chance is yours let me know if you want it removed. (Saves my back just incase :) ) 


Some of the picture chapters follow on from the other and other ones have time skips. They can either be read alone or all as one, it's your choice



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The whole team had been dragged out on a mission, it had been 2 weeks of barely any sleep, being on constant alert. 
All of this had mean Bucky had no time to be little, but with no sleep and the stress of everything he was beginning to get cranky and upset at every little thing. 

Currently everyone was eating breakfast, sat at the small table in the flat they'd rented out for the mission. 
Bucky was sat in the middle of Sam and Steve, he had some toast and was picking at the middle of it, not wanting the crusts but also not wanting to ask Steve to cut them off for him with everyone around. 
Everyone at the table was talking, paying very little mind to him, not that he cared, he actually preferred it this way. 
Everything was fine and Bucky was eating in piece until Sam sat something. 

SW:" WHat are you doing to your toast?" 
Bucky stopped and looked down, Steve turned to see what the fuss was. 
And that would have been fine for Bucky, just Steve and Sam paying mind to him, but Sam was loud and everyone else was now looking at him, he could feel it. 
S:" Hey, leave him alone Sam"
Sam huffed and went back to eating his breakfast. 
Bucky attempted to shuffle closer to Steve, looking up slightly when he felt a hand on his shoulder. 

It was Clint
C:" Do you want to pass me that here?"
Bucky quickly passed him the plate, even though he wasn't done, Clint took Bucky's and his own plate into the kitchen. 
A few minutes later he remerged with the two plates once again. 
He put one down in front of Bucky and carried on walking to his seat the other side of Steve. 
When Bucky looked down at his plate the new toast had no crusts, he looked up and to Steve. 

Bucky quickly tapped Steve getting his attention, when Steve turned to him he very excitedly told him about his toast. 
He whisper yelled 
B:" Look Stevie, no yucky bit"
Steve looked down at the toast, not previously realising what Clint had done. 
S:" Wow Buck, you got to say thank you to Clint"

Agere y/n x AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now