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He was finally back at Hogwarts, he was glad he wasn't still at the place he hated- the orphanage. Tom knew that he had everyone wrapped around his finger, they were all revolved around him. The teachers, the students  and everyone he met fell under his captivating charm. He wanted power, immortality and he craved being feared. He wanted everyone to bow down to him and rule the wizarding world.

Tom wanted a new name, he could not stand the name that his wretched birth father had given him. Therefore, he decided to give himself a new one, a name that would soon create fear with just the sound of it.

Lord voldermort

However, there seemed to be one exception, one person that did not fall under his charm-her. Estelle Harper. He didn't care about anyone who didn't matter to him, he had never met her before and he was sure she wasn't useful to him because his followers had never mentioned her.

But he was so wrong

For the first time there was a anomaly in Tom's perfect plan.

She had run into him and didn't even bother apologizing. Tom was forced to look at her, he was expecting her to look down because only a few people were able to directly meet his eyes for more than a few seconds. Nevertheless, she looked right at him, her chocolate brown eyes clashing with his dark ones. She was the one exception, the one person who wasn't wrapped around his finger and he despised it. Her name was now engraved in his mind now 'Estelle Harper' because he wanted to ruin her and he eventually would. He prided himself in knowing soon enough he would have her right where he wanted, below him so he could slowly crush her.

She had dark brown hair that naturally cascaded down her back in waves; her burgundy colored lips that were upturned into a smirk and her unreadable eyes that would bore into his. Her dark blue attire stood out, a Ravenclaw. The Ravenclaw house was below Slytherin but it was still the house he tolerated. Nonetheless, they were still compelled by him, every one of them and they all looked up to his intelligence. However, she seemed to challenge him in many different ways. Tom had just met her yesterday but he was already plotting a thousand ways to get back at her and see her writhe pain. Never had he thought about one person for this long. Tom should have known that this was the start to his downfall.

He promised himself that he would be the one to wipe the smirk of her face, he would be the one to ruin her. She was going to be his and only his. He was going to destroy every pure part of her, slowly burning her alive. She was now his angel.

*         *        *

It had been a few days since their encounter, his mind thought about her every once in a while. He hated himself for letting his thoughts wander to her but he secretly enjoyed the challenge. She was challenging him in a way that no one had before and he had mixed feelings about it. Of course he wanted everyone to be trapped under his thumb but he also craved being challenged, she had brought the devil his wish and she would have to now receive the dire consequences.

Tom sat down next to his followers, they all greeted him with a curt nod before focusing on their food again. His eyes travelled to the great hall doors when he heard her voice. She was talking excitedly with the person next to her, another person he didn't recognize. This made him realize that maybe he had missed people that may be useful to him. He needed to be more careful until he had more power.

In the end, the whole of the wizarding world would bow down to him and soon after the muggle world would fall.

"Do you know who that is?", Tom asked his followers, giving them a gesture to look towards the pair who was sitting down on the Ravenclaw table, specifically her.

"Yes, do you not?" Lestrange said while sipping on his coffee.

"She's one of the smartest students in the year, second under you i think", Avery exclaimed. "Not to ignore the fact that she's attractive".

Tom thought about what Avery had just said, was she attractive? If she was after him in academics she could prove useful. He was looking at her without realising. His eyes met with hers, a smirk formed on her lips and she did the thing he would least expect, she blew him a playful kiss. She had the nerve to do that and turn around and chat with her friends like he never existed. It was infuriating.

"Looks like you know her", Rosier said slightly chuckling.

"Shut up" Tom said while he tared his eyes away from her.

"Don't you have prefect rounds with her today", Lestrange asked.

"Yes", Tom said with a bitter tone. "Avery i need you to dig up all the information you can find about her. I want her past, present and future in my hands by the end of the week".


His eyes naturally went back to her again, he hated himself for this. Tom didn't expect for her to stand up and walk towards the Slytherin table to him. She just kept walking towards him, ignoring all the looks others were giving her. In a second, she was next to him, her smirk still reflecting on her face. He raised a eyebrow to her, enquiring what she wanted but she had a different idea. She sat herself down next to him. Next. to. him. It had only been a week since they had acknowledged each other but she had the nerve to sit next to him like they were close. His eyes met with the snickering Slytherins around him, even his followers were shocked.

"Good morning Tom", she said with a mischievous smile that lurked on her face. He absolutely hated it. He couldn't read her. she was like him and he didn't know if he should be happy that there was someone that could challenge him or if he should be angry because he craved to know and have authority over everything. He wanted to know and he would find out.

"Good morning, Miss Harper" he said with a monotone voice, like he normally did.

"Awh come one, we're closer than that aren't we Tom?", again she was emphasizing his name, "Tommy", she added on. Estelle grabbed a green apple off the table and bit into it.

"hey get a apple from your table", joked Dolohov.

"no- from a apple lover, i choose this apple because it looks the best," Estelle responded with a light chuckle.

"what the hell- apples are disgusting", Avery replied. A obvious look of disgust etched on his face.

"What the fuck man your taste buds are fucked up", Estelle replied mirroring Avery's look of disgust. She grabbed a apple and waved it near his mouth, "come on you know you want to try", she taunted.

"I'm no longer talking to you Harper", Avery responded while the others laughed.

"don't be so dramatic darling", Estelle chuckled out.

He watched her closely, thinking about how to answer her question. He needed to calculate his next movements carefully. Soon the bickering died down and he had finally thought about what to say.

"To answer your previous question Harper, I think you must be delusional- I would never associate myself with someone like you", Tom threw a back-handed comment at her. She looked at him again- her focus solely on him. Just how he liked it.

"ouch", Estelle voiced out with a huge smirk. "Yes, I might be but poor you because we have prefect duties together," she said while motioning her hands to illustrate a tear falling out of her eyes.

"How mature of you Harper", Tom sneered.

"I'll see you in-front of the Ravenclaw tower at nine, don't be late", she chuckled.

"See you around boys", she aimed at him and all of his followers. She stood up walking swiftly out of the great hall which left him with six boys gaping at the encounter.

"I like her already" Dolohov said with a chuckle.

"Me too" stated Rosier

He was going to break her, his angel. She was different, she had a air of mischief around her and he wanted to break it and see who she really was. He wanted to know her darkest secrets, then taunt her.

His. Angel.

This was my first time doing Tom's pov so if it's bad please do tell me. I'll try to improve as I go on. Vote, comment and follow! Happy reading.

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