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 T O M

-hope you're enjoying the story! I'll be changing the timeline and some minor events for when and how Tom made his horcruxes to fit my storyline. Enjoy this chapter :)

Tom was anticipating the next few days to come. First of all, he had finally been able to get some much needed silence, especially with her gone. The voice seemed to have finally withered away, leaving nothing more than a painful memory. It was like nothing ever happened. Of course whenever his thoughts would somehow leak back to her, it would slowly return but it was only a small, powerless whisper. Soon he would forget about her. Tom felt formidable. He was now finally back in control. Most significantly, in the near future, had plans to make his second horcrux and it brimmed him with eagerness. He was one step closer to his long awaited future, he could feel it in his blood that it was his fate. He would gain full immortality and implement dark magic throughout the wizarding world. His name would be feared. 

He vividly remembered the time when he made his first horcrux. He had stumbled across a dark arts book he had never seen before and it surprised him as he had walked through the shelves of books at least hundreds of times- this peaked his interest. Tom read the book in one go, absorbing every word like a ravenous tornado. The book explained how to reach immortality by splitting your soul. It felt like destiny. Therefore, Tom had decided that he would gain absolute immortality and become the world's greatest dark wizard. Needless to say, Tom knew very well the consequences of making a horcrux. To split his soul, he had to kill someone and this would taint his soul. Once done it was irreversible. He was slightly hesitant at the time. However, when he had found out that his mother was apart of the 'Gaunt family', everything changed. He was apart of a wealthy, prominent, pureblood wizarding family that was full of dark wizards. He was destined for greatness. This new obtained information made him push past his slight moral hesitance. Ergo, Tom chose to kill Myrtle, who was known for staying in the girl's toilets even after curfew. It was so easy to kill her. Tom just had to say a few words 'avada kedavra',  as a green, dark light dampened the light from her eyes and led her to her impending doom. After killing Myrtle, he was finally able to split his soul and transfer it to a chosen object. Tom chose his diary, he kept it with him at most times and it contained all his future plans. It was perfect. At the exact moment when he was transferring his soul, he felt a small piece of humanity tare away from him, not that he had much to begin with. He had to admit, it was extremely painful and it felt like all the blood was rushing out of his body and being replaced with fire. When the pain had finally subsided, Tom felt invincible. 

He was currently walking through the cobblestone streets of little Hangleton, where his filthy maternal father lived. He always had some hidden anger from his father for abandoning his mother when he was just a pathetic mudblood. Tom was smart and used his middle name 'Marvalo', which was the only clue he had to find his uncle, Morfin Gaunt who had been recently released from Azkaban, so that he could steal the Gaunt ring and his wand. The ring was rightfully his and there were tales of its hidden powers, he didn't know what they were but he hoped that they would be useful in the future. Tom was also planning to make the ring his second horcrux. Before Tom left, he had used the imperio curse to make Morfin Gaunt believe that he was the one who killed the Riddle family so when Tom did kill them (using his uncle's wand) it would not be traced back to him and the ministry would believe Morfin did this. Tom was prepared. He had spent countless nights perfecting this plan so everything would go as he expected. He wanted to get information about his heritage before quenching his anger by killing them.

Tom snapped out of his thoughts as he knocked on the large door of the only mansion situated at the edge of the little town. This was where his wretched father lived. The door opened as a haggard man opened the door. "I'm here to see Thomas Riddle". 

The man opened the door and led Tom into a dark drawing room, the smell of burning wood invaded his senses. He looked around and saw the elderly man who just opened the door for him sit next to a woman, while a middle aged man sat opposite them with a stern look. "What would you like boy?" the elderly man asked with a irritated expression. Tom just wanted to finish this quickly so he grabbed the wand that he stole from his uncle and casted two killing curses- Tom assumed it was his grandparents. He watched emotionlessly as they slumped to the ground. Now the only person left in the room except from him was his father. Thomas Riddle. Surprisingly, Tom felt nothing towards the man when he saw him.  No sadness, no curiosity, not even anger. Tom was angry before but right now, he felt nothing but annoyance. He just wanted to get the information and leave.

"What did you do... you casted a spe...ll.ll. you're... a..w..iza..rd." 

"Nice to see you too father". Tom said while walking towards the trembling man.


Tom nodded with a evil grin. "Oh you don't remember? Let me enlighten you. You abandoned my mother." Tom walked towards his father and pushed him harshly to the floor as he sat on the armchair. Tom stared down at his pathetic father. "I'll let you live if you answer my questions." Tom's father nodded furiously and this made him chuckle darkly.

"Tell me everything you know about my heritage. Make sure you tell me something worthwhile or i won't hesitate to kill you." Tom adjusted his position on the seat, leaning forward with a sadistic smile.

"You are apart of the Gaunt family, which is a pureblood family and..."

Tom suddenly shouted. "I SAID MAKE IT WORTHWHILE. I CAN LEARN ABOUT THE GAUNT FAMILY FROM BOOKS. TELL ME STUFF THAT I CANNOT FIND. or you'll end up like them." Tom pointed towards the lifeless bodies next to him.

"You are a descendent of Salazar Slytherin. Not many people know this as the Gaunt family are very secretive. There is something your mother told me. Apparently there is a secret room of sorts that Salazar made when Hogwarts was first built. Only the heir of Slytherin can open it and it contains a restless beast that will follow the will of its master."

"Do you have any idea where it is?" Tom asked impatiently.

Tom watched at his father walked towards his desk, rummaging through stacks of paper. He grabbed a worn down letter with the Gaunt stamp on it. "this should contain hints about its whereabouts," Tom's father murmured.

"You've been very helpful. Too bad i have no use for you anymore". Tom's father could not say anything else as the green light consumed him. His body dropped to the floor. Tom looked at the Riddle house with satisfaction, he had been able to get all the information he was looking for. He dropped his Uncle's wand on the floor, so that no one would suspect him.

His lips curved into a devilish smirk.

Tom was the descendent of Salazar Slytherin.

He was the heir of slytherin.

Nothing could stand in his way anymore.

Tom was back in the run down motel he was staying the night in. He placed the Gaunt ring on the floor as he sliced his hand open and squeezed the blood onto the ring. A black mist started to surround him as he repeated the same latin words again and again.

'iuro in sidera amplecti immortalitatem, et anima mea'

'iuro in sidera amplecti immortalitatem, et anima mea'

'iuro in sidera amplecti immortalitatem, et anima mea'

The familiar burning sensation flooded his body as he gritted his teeth in pain. Yet again he felt another piece of his humanity tare away from him. After a few minutes the pain was replaced with a sense of power and superiority. He had finally made two horcruxes. 

Everything was going the right away.

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