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Estelle walked into her dorm with a bunch of books balanced carefully in her arms. One wrong movement and they would all come tumbling down. The huge stacks of books blocked her view but she could hear the heavy breaths of someone. It sounded like someone was crying. As Estelle placed all the heavy books carefully on her bed, she finally saw Jas crying quietly in the corner of the room. She wasn't really good with emotions and soothing people while they were upset but she was willing to give it a try because it was Jas who needed her help.

Jas was the only person she genuinely cared about and the only one who stood by her side when she was attacked and humiliated for something that was not under her control. Since then they had been inseparable and protected each-other when necessary. Now it was Estelle's turn to support her friend.

"What happened Jas?", Estelle asked with a gentle voice. She did have a hint on why Jas was crying but she wanted Jas to be able to explain it to her and express her emotions. Bottling up emotions was not a good idea- Estelle knew this very well.

"Malfoy...", Jas quietly said, which made Estelle's hands ball up in anger. To stop her anger from making impulse decisions, Estelle wiped the tears off her friend's cheek gently.

How dare Malfoy. She was going to hurt him in so many ways possible that he wouldn't be able to count all of them.

"What did he do?", Estelle asked her, trying not to immediately get up and go beat up Malfoy. He was a pathetic boy who couldn't even stand up for himself without his friends, actually it would be more accurate to say 'bodyguards' that were only with him because of his family's fortune. He was a waste of space.

"He called me a mudblood and said i would end up like myrtle,", Jas breathed out quietly. It was barely audible but Estelle was able to catch on. She was fucking fuming.

How could Malfoy fucking bring up the poor girl that died a year ago like that- he lacked respect. Moreover, he said to Jas that she would end up like that for being a muggleborn. He was a self-entitled, pathetic asshole that hid behind his blood status because he had nothing more to him. "I'm going to go kill him", Estelle said calmy. 

"No don't. Please don't. I don't want to get into more trouble and i don't want you getting into trouble because of me... and before you say that you would gladly get detention for me, i want to deal with it myself", her friend said slightly trembling. Estelle reluctantly nodded, while hugging her friend. 

She was going to kill malfoy.


It had been a few hours since her talk with Jas. Estelle managed to calm down and she tried to focus all her thoughts on the prefect rounds with Riddle.

She had ambiguous feelings about prefect rounds with him.

 They were rather amusing to Estelle because she would try to tease him as much as she could, however he did the same. Although he was a bit more blunt. Her thoughts were all over the place as she stepped out of the Ravenclaw tower to do her rounds with him. Like always he was standing there with his hands in his pockets, leaning against the wall with a thought-filled expression. The darkness was serene and the moonlight rested on the high ceilings and him. He was breathtaking and she had to admit that. She walked up to with him with a smirk latched on her face.

"You're late Harper. Why don't you transform yourself into a watch so you can get to place on time", he sneered.

"Hello to you to Tom", she cooed while looking directly at his face, searching for any signs of anger because she enjoyed winding him up. "Why don't you transfigure yourself into a bottle of firewhisky so you lighten up a bit"

Aberration; Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now