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He was leaning against the wall with a bottle of firewhisky in his hands. Tom admitted that when he was drunk, he would start saying stuff that he normally wouldn't, however he decided to let himself go for today. Merlin- his thoughts were all over the place and it was exhausting. Moreover, he had just started to realise that there was a small, almost undetectable voice at the back of his head that would whisper commands at him and he would follow it without any second thoughts. It did not seem like one of his thoughts, which somehow terrified him. He had too much to think about. His followers walked up to him with three more bottles of firewhisky and a pack of cigarettes. Dolohov handed him a cigarette as Tom brought it towards his lips. The music was loud and the common room was nearly full.

"Do you want to dance", a girl intertwined her arm around his. He glared at her and snatched his arm away from her. Merlin- he hated physical touch.

"Get the fuck off me."

Tom looked towards the portrait as it slid open. His eyes locked with hers. He watched as Estelle and Jas walked towards him and his followers- (Estelle had forced him to learn the name of her friend). She stood right in front of him with a familiar smirk resting on her lips. His eyes raked over her alluring appearance, starting from the corset that tightly wrapped around her figure and the skirt that rested just above her mid-thigh, to the dark makeup that complemented her compelling eyes and her upturned lips. Finally, Tom noticed her hair, her normally wavy hair was now straight and resting on her shoulders. His eyes bore into hers. Fuck she looked good.

"Done staring Riddle?", Estelle whispered in his ear.

"No give me a few more seconds", he spoke with a sinful smile. 

Estelle chuckled as she downed a quarter of his firewhisky. "Slow down love", Tom said as he took another deep breath of his cigarette. 

"Give me some", Estelle insisted.

"Say please darling", Tom snickered. His hand snaked around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Perhaps he didn't mind physical touch when it came to her. Only her. He look a big breath in and hovered over her mouth, their lips slightly touched as she breathed in the addicting smoke. Tom felt her shiver in his grips, which made a low, dark chuckle erupt from his throat.

Tom watched as Estelle excitedly talked to Dolohov, Avery and Rosier. Soon Nott and Jas came into the conversation and Tom couldn't help but smile when Estelle couldn't stop her uncontrollable fits of laughter. He felt her lean against him. "Tom is so grumpy sometimes", Estelle said with a made up sad expression.

His followers all looked nervous because in normal circumstances he would get angry, however she was far from normal. "you better take that back", Tom threatened her while snatching her firewhisky away from her. His actions made Dolohov, Avery, Rosier and Nott gape in utter surprise. 

"Oh fuck off Tom", Estelle scoffed. "Jas let's go and dance".

Estelle dragged Jas towards the centre of  the common room. Jas grabbed onto Estelle's waist as they both swayed their hips to the music. As the song started to end, two boys from Gryffindor approached them. One of them grabbed onto Estelle's waist tightly, she looked at him with pure disgust. In that moment, her eyes met Toms and she mouthed something to him 'get this pervert off me before i beat him up'. Tom and Nott walked towards them with menacing glares. Nott just pulled Jas away but Tom wouldn't let the Gryffindor go that easily. No- no one could touch her but him.

"Get the fuck off her before i kill you", Tom sneered while he grabbed Estelle's wrist and pulled her towards him.

"She's not your girlfriend Riddle", the Gryffindor said.

Merlin- alcohol really did give this pathetic boy confidence. "she's still mine." 

"That doesn't make any sens..."

Before the Gryffindor could even finish his sentence Tom kissed the base of her neck and bit down hard, leaving a red mark. "like i  said, she's mine so fuck off". Tom felt her take a sharp breath in. God she was making it hard for him to resist her.

The Gryffindor walked away and disappeared within the crowd. "I need some alcohol after that. I feel disgusting after he touched me", Estelle murmured. 

"I'll get you some". Tom walked towards the rest of the group. He grabbed the unopened firewhisky in Rosier's hand and opened it. Estelle drank a bit before giving it back to Tom. He drank the rest of it in one go as the burning sensation settled within his throat. "Want to get some fresh air?".


Estelle and Tom slipped out of the common room, the loud music fading behind them. They walked down the arcane corridors. It started to rain. "Why does it always rain when we're together. I mean i'm not complaining but even when we first met it was raining as well", Estelle rambled on.

"Want to take a walk in the rain?" Tom suggested


The rain poured down as they walked around the school grounds while the harsh air bit into their skin. Suddenly, Estelle stopped and looked right at him, her expression confused him. "i can't stop thinking about you," Estelle breathed out. She looked ever so beautiful right now. 

Tom didn't know what to say. On one part he couldn't help but feel accomplished. His plan was working and she was falling for him. Now all that was left was to ruin her. But why was his heart beating slightly faster than normal and why did he feel like something was rupturing within his soul. Tom felt the voice at the back of his head get louder as it repeated the same thing over and over again 'kill her'. Tom tried so hard to push the voice back but every time he tried he felt like all his bones were fracturing and splintering into pieces. 

SHIT NO- i'm not going to hurt her.

Instantaneously, the voice came to a stop when he felt her warm hands brush against his skin. Tom watched her as the rain slid down her face and her unreadable eyes bore into his. "For fuck sake. I can't get you out of my godforsaken head and i hate it", Tom hissed.

"Then don't get me out of your head".

Tom grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. one of his hands stroked her head, while the other drew small circles on her waist. He leant down and rested his forehead against her shoulder, breathing in her addicting scent. Just for today Tom didn't bother to calculate his movements. He reassured himself that all his actions were because of the alcohol and he would soon forget about her. She was nothing to him.

She meant nothing to him.

Aberration; Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now