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Where the fuck was she?

He had been waiting for her in the room of requirement for 20 minutes and something in his gut told him something was very wrong. His heart sped up a few beats as he used his wand to find out where she was, Tom was relieved that he could check her location easily because of the ring he gave to her- or there was a chance that he would go crazy. Hopefully she had just fallen asleep in her dorm or right at this second she was sprinting towards him, anywhere was okay as long as she was safe.

When did he start caring about her so much? It wasn't his problem even if she was in danger...

He whispered the spell as a small dark green light appeared from his wand and flew out the window and towards the forbidden forest. There had to be something wrong, why would Estelle be there. Tom tried again but the green light sped towards the same place, which was covered with towering trees and dangerous creatures. Why the fuck was she there.

Never had he felt this heart-wrenching feeling before, it clawed at his ice heart and shattered all remaining self control. He grabbed his wand tightly and apparated towards the forbidden forest. A million questions stormed in his head- what if she was severely hurt? what if he was too late? what if he could never see her again...

His eyes darted around as soon as he was in front of the formidable forest. Without hesitation, he sprinted down the pitch black path, which was only illuminated by the moon's light that penetrated the tall trees. Tom followed the dark green light that led him deeper and deeper until even the moon couldn't reach where he was. He called out her name several times, however only the loud whips of the wind answered him. Slowly, he strayed off path and navigated through the fir trees as the glow of his spell got brighter- she was near. In his peripheral vision, he saw a shadow of a figure out of place. Something snapped within him. He didn't even know if it was her but the possibility that he could lose her made him deranged. The closer he got, the more he was sure that it was her. Tom finally reached her and grabbed her in his arms- she was cold and barely breathing, or she just wasn't breathing at all- he couldn't tell.


Using the light of his wand, Tom was able to see the blood that covered her clothes and body. With his slightly shaking hand, he brushed her hair out of her pale face. "Fuck- no, no, no... please don't be dead. FUCK. get up Estelle. He felt like his heart had been ripped to shreds. In that moment, he realised that he did care about her. Even though he didn't have the ability to feel any emotions, he knew that he cared as much as he could. She was his only salvation.

If he lost her, he would kill everyone and anything in his way to find the person responsible.

All of a sudden, Tom felt her weakly grip his hand. "Tom.. you came," she whispered with a small smile.

"Of course i came," he felt like he could finally breathe. "I thought i had lost you." His face consorted with anger. "Who did this to you?"

"I did," a dark voice whispered from the depths of the trees.

Tom gently rested Estelle on the tree behind him as he stepped forward and pointed his wand at the direction the voice came from.

"Oh my... I didn't know someone would come to save my starry so quickly."

Tom's eyes looked at the figure that emerged from the darkness. "I would be careful not to get too close if you don't want to die", he shouted as the man inched forward.

The man let out a maniacal laugh. "This is hilarious. I can't believe you're standing up for her... I can tell you're such a strong fellow full of dark magic. You could join me and you would be gladly accepted by my master."

Aberration; Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now