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T O M 

She had collided into him again and all the thoughts he had bottled up came racing back.

Tom was forced to look at her properly for the first time this week. After he carried Estelle back to her dorm the previous week, he carefully made up a plan. He could no longer go by his instincts when it came to her, she was distracting him. So- he spent a week forming a fool-proof plan, his plans had never failed and nor would it fail this time.

Estelle was just a pawn in his game. She was nothing more. He was going to manipulate her and unravel all her deep secrets as he would watch her break down right in from of him.

Shocked was a understatement when he had to smell the wretched love potion. He assumed that he would not be able to smell anyone as he was unable to love, due to the affects of the love potion. Tom always thought love was a weakness and is was to his advantage that he was unable to feel. Emotions would not cloud his judgement. Nevertheless, when he smelt the faint smell of her, he felt relieved. Even though it was almost undetectable, he could still smell hints of 'vanilla, parchment, rain and apples'. This somehow made him breathe a sigh of relief. 

He was starting to hate the effect she had on him. Tom could not get her out of his godforsaken head.

Tom had to break and ruin her because he hated her and the way she made him feel. Even though it would seem like nothing to others, to Tom it was like his ice heart had started to ever so slightly beat again.

Tom could no longer confidently say he could kill her without feeling remorse. Even though he wanted to ruin her, he could not even fathom the idea of killing her.

He couldn't even tell if he liked it or not. However, he knew he had volatile emotions when it came to her. He would kill anyone for touching her because she was his to ruin.

He was the only one who could make her cry.


He was forced out of his trance of thoughts when he realized Estelle was picking up the parchment off the floor and saying something.

Tom needed to get his racing thoughts to calm down. Cigarettes were the only invention muggles made that were useful to him. As his thoughts settled, he asked her to come over towards him. With his hand against the wall and his direct eye contact with her, he was able to look at her properly.

She looked so good.

Estelle was wearing a black silk dress that hugged around her curves perfectly, while her wavy hair was put up in a lose updo. Tom couldn't seem to tare his eyes away from her. His plan would start from now.

"you look good today love", he said with a smirk, while walking away.

Although it was a-part of his scheme, he couldn't deny that there was a portion of truth mixed in it. As Tom walked towards Slughorns's dinner party, he could sense her stare on him.

When Tom walked in with Estelle behind him, Slughorn immediately greeted them saying that dinner was going to be in a bit, so they should enjoy themselves in the mean time. 

Tom could tell that Estelle wanted to talk to him but he couldn't be asked to talk to her right now so he went to talk to his followers- Avery and Nott. However, Tom watched her walk towards someone.

The mudblood. Merlin- why the mudblood

Tom had forgotten about the pathetic mudblood because of her, she had distracted him. This was the first time in years that he had made a mistake and forgotten something. He was slipping and it was all because of her. 

Aberration; Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now