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It had been three weeks since Tom had talked to her. THREE FUCKING WEEKS. The last time they had talked was when they had both admitted that they could not stop thinking about each other. Perhaps everything Tom had said to her was a lie? Of course Estelle had tried to talk to him but the only place she saw him was in class, a-part from that he was nowhere to be seen. Winter break was in a week and she wanted to see him before then and get him to answer why he had been fucking ignoring her.

Estelle started walking towards her defense against the dark arts class. She knew she was very early so she got out the old book she had immersed herself in for the past few weeks- it was a good distraction. Estelle was finally on chapter 14 and she had conflicting feelings about the book- on one hand she felt drawn to the book but at the same time something in her core writhed from discomfort. She rested her back on the wall behind her as she fell deeper and deeper into the words.

'fate will always prevail'

Her heart sank and she began to feel nauseous. A ringing sensation invaded her mind, possessing every bit and ripping her mind to shreds. Estelle clutched her head with her hands, attempting to get it to stop. She slid down the wall as if her legs couldn't take her weight anymore, her muscles contracted in pain. In her last attempts to halt the growing pain, Estelle dug her fingernails deeper into her skin, etching them with blood. Suddenly, she heard someone calling out her name. The faint sound brought her back to her senses and the pain started to subside. She took a few deep breaths in like she had been deprived of air for years. Estelle rested her head against the rough, cool wall behind her.


Fuck. She knew this voice ever so well. It was him.

She opened her eyes ever so slightly and there he was, standing in-front if her with a vacant expression. "oh fuck off Tom."

Estelle heard the footsteps of students trying to get to their classes on time. She quicky wiped off the the blood on her and put on a fake smile. She looked right at him. She could tell that he was trying to get in her mind using legilimency, why was she not surprised? He had tried before but she had always blocked him out, she thought it was a joke, however the fact that he tried to get in her head when he saw her in pain made her realise something. He didn't give a shit about her. He had manipulated her. Her mouth went dry as she pushed passed the stinging sensation in her chest. She didn't care though. Even if he wanted to get in her head, Tom would never be able to, well unless she let him. she was as skilled at occlumency as much as he was at legilimency. There was a slight problem though- the pain she had gone through right now made her weaker than normal. Estelle saw Jas walking towards her with a big smile, so Estelle attempted to muster up a equally bright smile.

"Why do you look so pale?" Jas asked with a worried look on her face.

"It's nothing. I just have a headache", she lied with a small chuckle. Estelle nudged Jas into the classroom with her hands while all the other students filed in. Only her and Tom remained in the now deserted corridor.

Estelle saw Tom staring at her with a sinister smirk, she needed to tell him to shut up about what he just saw. Estelle let Tom enter her mind while blocking all her other memories, she would rather die than show him her worst fears. Now he could read her thoughts but also relay his thoughts to her.

'you better not tell anyone about this Riddle' Estelle threatened

'and what would i get out of it darling'

'and what would you get out of telling people about it?'

'your suffering'

Estelle knew that something was wrong. For the first time in weeks, she was able to look properly at him. Tom looked as good as always but dark shadows littered his eyes, small bruises and cuts covered his knuckles and his normally immaculate hair messily framed his face. The way he looked at her reminded her of the first time they met and she despised it. Estelle grabbed Tom's wrist and pulled him into a empty classroom, away from other people. She didn't care if they were late to class.

"What's wrong Tom?"

"Nothing Harper"

"we haven't properly talked in weeks. So i'll ask again- what's wrong"

"The fuck, when were you so clingy Harper. What's wrong you ask? I can't be asked to talk to you, you mean absolutely nothing to me and honestly it's just a waste of my time," Tom sneered.

Estelle was stunned. "Then you should have just said so. Why would you make me believe that you care about me," she asked. She wanted to believe that she did not care about him but within a few months he had become a significant part of her life. She had started to trust him.

"Oh Harper. I thought you were smarter than this. How did you not piece everything together- i was manipulating you because i thought it would be fun but i've now grown bored of you," Tom replied with a dark chuckle. "You mean absolutely nothing to me."

His words hurt her more than expected. "So all the things you said were lies?"

"Every single one of them. I mean when you said you couldn't stop thinking about me i was about to burst out laughing. How easy you were to manipulate and i was starting to think you were different from the rest." Tom walked towards her and stroked her cheek with his hand. "All the things i did and said to you were all part of my plan Estelle. When i told you i couldn't get you out of my head it. was. a. lie." He paused at each word, letting it seep in.

Estelle started to laugh while clutching her stomach. "And i started to trust you. Thank you very much Riddle for reminding me not to trust anyone- i must have gone crazy. Also don't worry Tom, you don't have to worry because i've been through more than you could imagine and what you just said to me won't mean anything to me by tomorrow. I have to admit i am a little hurt, i guess you're not as vain as i thought as you didn't fall for my looks." Estelle brushed his hair back and looked straight at him.

"Wow- to the very last moment you manage to piss me off Harper. Why don't you go back to your perfect life. You say that you've gone through more than i can imagine- oh darling stop lying to yourself. You've had everything handed to you on a silver plate. you've been through nothing..."

Before Tom could carry on, Estelle dug the tip of her wand harshly into his neck, enough to draw blood. "How would you know what i've been through? You didn't manipulate me enough to know my past, perhaps you should have tried a bit harder."

Estelle brought her wand down and started walking towards the door- she was done with him.

"Don't you dare walk out of that door"


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