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Yet again, she was late on the first day of school. It was like this every. single. year. Estelle had to have a few days to squeeze herself back into her busy schedule. She took a deep breath as she opened the arcane door that made a horrifying screech whenever it moved. Man, the universe was out to get her today. Once again, she was met with 40 prying eyes that dug into her skin. A scowl eased on her lips, which made most students turn around in a hurry. The fight with Malfoy had flipped everyone's opinion on her, Estelle didn't know whether it was a good thing or not. 

"Miss Harper. It seems like it's becoming a reoccurring problem. I know you are a bright witch, but you must come to lesson on time. You have missed the basics of the Patronus charm," the professor sighed in disappointment. "If you can perform the Patronus charm, I will let you off detention."

Of course, it was an impossible task. A tornado of whispers overtook the room. "How do I perform the charm Professor?" Estelle asked trying to hide her smile.

"Clearly say Expectro Patronum and think about your happiest memory."

Never had she thanked her father's horrendous lessons until now. Merlin, he had used the crucio curse on her each time she had not been able to conjure a Patronus charm. Even thinking about it gave her severe PTSD. Estelle's mouth went dry, she needed to address her problems but here she was pretending like everything was fine. How typical of her.

Estelle held out her wand. "Expectro Patronum," she said loudly, her eyes closed as she thought about her mother holding her hand and dancing around the kitchen while the cookies steamed up the cozy room. She opened her eyes and saw a translucent light forming into a thestral. The animal that closely embodied death. It pranced around the room before disappearing into small particles. Everyone was completely still. Even the professor looked at her with great astonishment.

"Where did you learn to do that Miss Harper. It is advanced level magic?" The professor questioned.

A smirk grew on Estelle's lips. "Right now, sir." She nonchalantly sat down in her seat as a prideful aura surrounded her.

Once the class started focusing on the work again. Estelle looked around for Tom, however he was nowhere in sight. Wasn't he a teacher's pet? So why wasn't he in class? 


She minimized the sounds of her breaths as she roamed around the library. How would she sneak into the restricted section without being caught. The school had heavily increased their security and patrols after the dementors were put in place. Apparently, one got in a few days ago and nearly sucked a student's soul out, luckily the teachers got there in the nick of time. Estelle walked ever so quietly and crawled under the large chain, she knew that if someone touched it, it would alarm the professors. I guess she did get some important information from being a prefect. She let out the air that she had held in and walked towards the section about magical creatures, perhaps this would help her with finding out what was special about her blood. Only the serene glow of the moon gave her enough light to scan through the silver letters engraved on the worn-out books. Slowly, she grabbed a light green crested book that stood out from the rest of the dark covers. 'Cursed blood' she whispered the title of the book to herself. Just as she was about to read the first chapter, a cold hand slid around her waist and pushed her towards the bookcase. She couldn't see who it was because her back was towards this unknown person. 

Estelle felt them move closer. "What are you doing here love?"

She spun around and met eyes with Tom's sinful smile. "You scared me you wanker."

He pushed her roughly against the bookshelf. "Careful with your words Harper."

Estelle held the book to his face. "I'm finding something to read dickhead. Mind your own business."

Tom took the book from her hands and placed it on the highest shelf possible. "Give the fucking book back before i kill you," she replied angrily.

"Only if you give me a kiss," Tom's lips latched up into a devilish smirk. He leaned towards her, and she could feel her cheeks slightly tinting pink. His hand slowly made its way up to her neck and snaked around it.

"Fine say please." Estelle responded with a callous chuckle.

He grinned and placed a kiss on her neck. 'Pretty please.'

With that she grabbed onto his tie and pulled him towards her, their lips meeting in the middle. This was the second time they had kissed. He grabbed both her thighs and propped her down on the ledge, while placing himself in-between her legs. He moved down from her lips and centered kisses on her neck and the exposed skin right above her collar bone. Small gaps escaped her lips, and this made him loose control of himself. Estelle felt his hand slide up her thigh and draw small circles on them. This was getting dangerous.

Tom left one last kiss on her forehead. "I guess I can give you the book back now." He chuckled out while wiping her smudged lipstick of her face. 

"Where were you today in defense against the dark arts Tom?" she asked him while snatching the book he took from her a few minutes ago.

"And why would I tell you that darling?" He responded while leaning against the sturdy shelf behind him. 

"Don't tell me you were ill." Estelle mocked him by putting her hand over her mouth, pretending like she didn't want to catch his cold.

Tom laughed. "We were kissing just a few moments ago, I'm sure that if i was ill you would have caught it by now Harper."

"Whatever Tom."

Estelle started to walk out of the library but before that he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him. "Estelle, are you hiding something from me?" Tom questioned her.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. But i want you to know that i would kill anyone that hurts you. Understand?"

He walked away from her and disappeared into the darkness. Did he know something? Did he piece the evidence together. Was it better to tell him, to tell someone else?

Would he understand or leave her in disgust?

Aberration; Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now