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After almost losing Max, the group came up with an idea.

They were going to take turns watching Max in case Vecna decided to get her again.

Olivia volunteered to do the first watch.

Max argued that it wasn't necessary, but Olivia and the rest of the group thought that it was necessary until they could figure out a way to kill Vecna or be 100 percent sure that Max was not a target anymore.

Olivia was sitting on the floor not too far from Max.

The group moved around the small room, finding a place to sleep.

A pair of legs stood in front of Olivia. She looked up to see who they belonged to.

Steve smiled softly at her with a blanket in hand. "Here, I got you one before Henderson took the last one." He dropped the blanket on her legs.

She smiled, looking at the soft blue blanket, "Thanks."

Steve stood awkwardly in front of her, not knowing what to do.

"Do you need something," Olivia asked after a few seconds of awkward silence between the two of them.

"Oh no, I was just," he pushed his hair back nervously, "I wanted to know how you're feeling after all of this. I know it's a stupid question; consider everything that happen with your sister."

She exhaled and said, "my sister almost died, so I'm not feeling great" she looked at Max, who was sleeping on a small sofa. Steve glanced at what Olivia was looking at.

"You know you can talk to me, right," Steve said, getting Olivia's attention. She looked at him as he sat down next to her.

He looked down at his hands, "I know we are not dating anymore, but we are
f-friends," he said, looking at her. She smiled at the word friends.

"I'm here for whatever you need."

"Thank you for being here and taking care of Maxie while I was at the asylum. I know she can be a handful at times."

He chucked, "yeah, I know she's definitely a Mayfield-Hargrove."

She bumped his shoulder "don't let her hear you say that."

Her smile left her face, and she was quiet for a few seconds, lost in her own thoughts.

Steve gently bumped her shoulder. "Talk to me."

After almost losing Max and her being close to dying last year. Olivia couldn't help to think that more horrible things could happen to her.

"I don't know, you might think it's weird, but I have this feeling," she said, touching her chest.

"What if something happens and this time I can't get up. I know that Billy is trying in his own Billy way but could you check up on them if something happens to me," she said, looking at him with soft eyes holding back tears.

"Nothing is going to happen to you, Olivia" he held her hands in his.

"We don't know that we have all been lucky so far. What if our luck runs out and we don't survive."

She took a deep breath, and her voice shankingly, she said, "I want to know that if something happens to me, Max and Billy won't be completely alone."

Steve didn't understand were this was coming from. "Olivia, I-"

"Steve, please, I don't want you to promise me because I know it's a lot of responsibility, but I'll feel better knowing that they will have you in their lives because my life got way better with you in it." Her smile quivered, and tears ran down her face.

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